XXXV- bad idea

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Aaron hadn't expected for (Y/n) to call him. But when she did, he knew something was very wrong. Not because of her muffled voice and sniffles, although that was a telling sign, but rather because the two of them never called. They usually texted.

Of course, he lost no time in picking up his phone and answering, hoping his voice didn't sound as panicked to her as it did to his own ears. The thought that she might be unsafe had his heart dropping to his stomach.

"(Y/n)? Is everything alright?" He said, sitting up straight on his bed. Ready to bolt out the door and over to her if he needed to. Her next words did little to appease his racing mind.

"Yeah, it-it's me." (Y/n) sniffled, wiping at her tears and nose with her sleeve. "Are you home right now? I'm sorry, I hate to intrude but-"

"Don't. Please don't apologise, it's okay." Aaron interjected, growing more concerned by the minute. "I'm home, yes. Do you want to come over? I can send you the address or even pick you up if you want."

Well it's not like Aaron had anything except his feet to go from one place to the other, but he'd walk miles for (Y/n). If she told him she needed him to come pick her up wherever she was, he would in a heartbeat. Anything for her.

(Y/n) let out a broken sob, one that tore Aaron's heart in half. Fuck he wanted to hold her. Just like he'd done back during the showcase after Adam had confessed to her.

"I'm-I'm sorry I don't mean to intrude or anything. I just-just don't know where to go."

"It's okay. I promise." Aaron said, standing up from his bed and getting ready to leave. "Do you want me to come pick you up?"

"No, it's fine. Just send me the address and I'll be on my way." (Y/n) said, but this did little to reassure Aaron.

His gaze darkened at the idea of (Y/n) being left alone to fend for herself against whatever danger was lurking out there, against whatever had scared her enough for her to call him. A pervert following her, a thief with a knife in their pocket eager to assault her and take her belongings, a car racing past the speed limit and crashing into her.

In Aaron's mind, everything had become a potential threat to (Y/n).

Aaron had never been protective over anyone in the whole span of his nineteen year old life. He had learned quite young that death was a natural part of life and that trying to fight it was useless. In fact, at some point after his mother's death he had found solace in picturing himself dead beside her, in the same car that had taken her life. Why bother worrying about others if he didn't even have it in himself to care about his own life?

For long, his only reasons for living on had been his father and his growing ballet career. But (Y/n) had a talent at waking things inside of him he hadn't known existed in the first place.

His ability to love, his desire to cherish, worship, protect and be loved in return. His greed to know anything and everything about another person.

It was all because of her. Thanks to her.

Thanks to (Y/n), Aaron felt more alive than ever. More human than ever. He wouldn't give up on this feeling for anything. And he'd be damned if anything happened to her. If he failed to protect her like his father had his mother.

"Are you safe?" He asked, a muscle ticking in his jaw.

Silence stretched between them, before (Y/n) finally answered.

"I am."

Truth was, (Y/n) didn't feel safe anywhere, not with both Julian and Simon out in the wild. But from what she had seen so far, Julian hadn't been following her and Simon was nowhere to be seen either.

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