XXVI- the showcase

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(Y/n)'s heart was beating a mile a minute, wild with excitement and adrenaline.

In a few minutes she'd be on stage with Adam, the two of them finally concretising months of hard work to show everyone what they were capable of. (Y/n) had seen her mother in the audience, a wide smile on her features as she looked up towards the stage. Stella had waved towards her excitedly when she'd caught a glimpse of (Y/n), making a gesture towards her tutu whilst mouthing something along the lines of 'love it'.

(Y/n) had also seen Julian, sitting right beside Stella with a soft smile on his lips, one that had (Y/n)'s heart melting in a puddle. She couldn't afford to get distracted by Julian though, so she had quickly taken cover backstage where she had a perfect view of Aaron's solo.

Her heart thrummed in her chest as she watched him, knowing that soon it would be her turn. She adjusted the straps of her costume and warmed her feet with some relevés.

Her father had always taught her that moving helped keep the stage fright away. And whilst (Y/n) had never had many issues with dancing in front of an audience, her nerves still tingled with anticipation as Aaron's solo rolled to and end.

The next minutes passed by in a blurr. The lights turned off and Adam took her hand, gently guiding her on stage. A few seconds later the bright lights of the projectors shone on them, blinding and warm, followed by the song (Y/n) had chosen for their duo.

And from then on, nothing else mattered but her body and the movements she'd practised so many times. The people watching her, the thoughts in her head, the stress and anxiety, nothing remained except the warmth of Adam's hands on her waist and his close proximity as he hoisted her up above his head.

In the audience, Stella could barely contain her admiration in her seat, her eyes bright with amazement as she watched (Y/n) perform so beautifully. Well, Stella knew close to nothing about ballet or dance in general, but she was sure her friend was doing amazing.

"She's so cool!" Stella awed, earning a chuckle from Julian beside her. Stella hadn't expected for Julian to join to be honest, as he'd never shown any interests in arts or ballet for that matter.

Still, when she turned to him, the softest of smiles sat on his lips as he looked straight ahead at (Y/n).

Of course Julian wasn't a fan of another man touching (Y/n) and being so close to her. But the sight of (Y/n) doing what she loved far outpowered his displeasure. She was glowing, and he made sure not to miss a second of her dancing on stage.

Backstage, Aaron's eyes never strayed from (Y/n), both in order to avoid looking at Adam's hands on her and to admire her beauty. Still, a bitter taste coated his tongue at the idea that in another world this could have been him with her on this stage, holding her and guiding her through the steps. Not Adam.

Maybe then, things would have been different. Maybe Aaron would have realised his feelings for her sooner and wouldn't have been such an ass at the beginning of their relationship, and maybe Adam wouldn't have fallen for (Y/n).

Soon the song was over and (Y/n) and Adam left the stage drenched in the applause of the audience.

As soon as the two of them were backstage and away from prying eyes Adam's lips split in a big grin as he engulfed (Y/n) in a hug and hoisted her up, spinning away with a merry laugh.

(Y/n) couldn't help but join in on his joy with a chuckle of her own.

"It's over!" Adam cheered, putting (Y/n) back down, his arms still around her.

A sight Aaron wished he could rub from his memory, but alas there was no such thing as bleaching your brain. Instead, he approached the two and casually prayed (Y/n) out of Adam's arms.

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