XLI- a helping hand

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Julian silently stood a few feet away from the entrance of Bellemont Academy, scanning each and every face that entered the building in search of (Y/n). Stella waited with him, nervously balancing her weight from one foot to the other.

"Julian... They are all inside now, I don't think she's coming." Stella said quietly, sadly glancing at her best friend whose features remained tight with determination and frustration.

Stella bit down on the inside of her cheek.

She didn't know what had happened between Julian and (Y/n), her best friend had just alluded to a fight they had had and hadn't mentioned the reasons. But it was clear this had affected him greatly.

Julian's eyes were solemn and dark with fatigue, and his skin paler than usual, probably from multiple skipped meals and too much caffeine. He had barely gotten any sleep since his fight with (Y/n), frantic in his search for her and his concern over her whereabouts. And whilst Stella thought her best friend's reaction to be a bit dramatic she couldn't help worrying over (Y/n) herself.

(Y/n) was a grown woman and was the master of her decisions, if she wanted to disappear that was her choice. But she had failed to answer both Julian's and Stella's texts and her phone didn't even ring when Stella had tried to call her. Either (Y/n) was very intent on avoiding them for some reason or something bad had happened to her.

According to Julian, (Y/n) hadn't shown up to class either, he'd been checking Bellemont's entrance every morning before her classes in the hopes of catching sight of her. But she never showed up.

Which was weird for someone whose biggest dream was to become a prima ballerina. Stella hadn't known (Y/n) for all that long, but she knew of her friend's determination and she knew for a fact that skipping that jeopardising her ballet career by not showing up to classes for days wasn't a thing she'd do.

Julian heaved a sigh and brushed a hand through his hair.

He knew Stella was right. He knew that (Y/n) wouldn't be showing to class that day, still, he couldn't leave. Bellemont was his only lead right this moment in finding (Y/n), and he wouldn't give up until he found her.

Julian didn't know how much more of her absence he could take. He had never been deprived of her for that long and every second spent without the knowledge of her whereabouts ate away at his sanity a bit more. And he didn't know what he hated the most, the idea of her voluntarily vanishing to escape him, or the idea of something having happened to her.

Knowing (Y/n) and her trauma responses, he wouldn't be surprised if she had fled on a whim, overwhelmed by the panic of her discovery about him. But something about this didn't sit right with Julian. As even if (Y/n) had wanted to run away, she would never give up on her ballet career. So she couldn't have dropped out of Bellemont Academy.

That said, she couldn't skip classes for the rest of the year, she had to come back at some point. And when she eventually returned, Julian wanted to make sure he'd be there. To talk to her and convince her to come back, or bring her back himself. Either way, he wasn't going to let her go again.

He couldn't.

He had worked so hard for this, had waited so long and dedicated so much for (Y/n) to be his. Hell, making her his had been his sole objective for the last year and a half. She had become his world, the reason he woke up in the morning and what he dreamed about at night.

He wouldn't let her fear of him and her temper get in the way of what he had planned for the two of them. She had to be his, or he'd go crazy.

So even though it had been a week, even though he had been roaming around Bellemont Academy for days without any sign of her, even though he had checked every nook and cranny of this city to no avail, Julian wouldn't give up.

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