XXXIV- backstabber

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(Y/n) blinked at the handle, bewildered by her discovery. She had expected many things, but a trapdoor wasn't on the list.

She stared at it, caught between the desire to open it and peer inside and her wish to respect Julian's privacy. She knew she should leave it alone and step away, that she shouldn't look through Julian's things in his absence, even more so without his consent. But the more she looked at the trapdoor, the harder resisting the pull at her centre became.

Something was calling to her, begging her to open it and see what hid inside.

She wondered if Julian would be angry if she took a peek, surely it couldn't be anything that important, right? Hell, maybe there wasn't anything inside and she was just getting all worked up over nothing. In fact, it was probably nothing.

Still, this didn't deter (Y/n)'s need to see for herself. Surely if she just sneaked a glance it wouldn't be a problem, right? It's not like Julian would ever know. She'd just put the rug back in its place and there wouldn't be any sign she'd been there in the first place.

(Y/n) tugged at the handle, satisfied when the door creaked open to reveal a hideaway storage in which she discerned a few books, what looked like a file of some kind and a small wooden box.

From the looks of it, this was probably the place where Julian stored important memories, something (Y/n) hadn't really expected from him as Julian didn't come off as the sentimental type. Then again, he had shown again and again just how kind and caring he could be. Especially when it came to her.

(Y/n) brushed her fingers over a brown leather bound notebook, its cover smooth and cold to the touch. She wondered if it was a personal diary of some kind, a place where Julian stored the tales of his days.

Now that she thought about it, she knew so little about him. About who he was and where he came from.

She knew he was the son of a lawyer and a policeman, that he studied law and had something for crime novels and old movies. That his favourite colour was a shade of dark blue and that he was skilled in the kitchen. That he was a coffee addict and a workaholic.

But that was about it.

Then again, it's not like he knew that much about her either. Apart from the basics and the traumatic experience she'd had with Simon, Julian didn't know anything.

(Y/n) wanted to know more about Julian, and to tell him more about herself. But she wanted this to come naturally, without her having to snoop through his memories behind his back. That just wasn't right, and she'd hate it if anyone did this to her.

She should probably stop.

Something caught her eye before she could close the door though, and she didn't know how she'd failed to see this little detail in the first place. An etiquette sticking out of the file, with a name on it.

Her name.

Her blood froze in her veins.

Hesitantly, her hands reached for the file, putting it on her laps and opening it with trembling fingers. She begged for this not to be what she thought it was.

But she couldn't be so lucky.

In her hands, rested the file the policemen had filed against Simon. The one they had filed in before (Y/n) had decided to drop charges. The one that contained all the details of what (Y/n) had shared a few nights prior with Julian. Details he had apparently already been privy of.

The air sucked out of her lungs, leaving (Y/n) heaving and panting as she threw the file away from her, its pages scattered across the floor like fallen leaves.

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