XIX- her

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"That was good!" Adam said, cheering to their finished choreography. "I'm sure the audience will love it."

(Y/n) appreciated Adam's enthusiasm, of course she did, but somehow she couldn't bring herself to be as cheerful about it as he was.

Maybe it was because of all that's happened with her mental health these last few days, or the fact the showcase was merely a month away. Either way, she just couldn't shake the feeling that something would go wrong and ruin it all. And with how hard they'd work for this, she'd be really pissed if such a thing happened.

What if their teacher didn't like the song she'd picked? What if she tripped and fell on stage and made a fool of herself? Of course this wouldn't be the first time it happened, (Y/n) had fallen on her arse on stage a fair amount of times.

But this time it was different, failing wasn't an option, not when she knew company directors were more than likely to be in the audience, even if this was just a first year showcase.

Some of them would already be here to search for possible new additions to their company. And the thought that these people would be picking her apart and gauging her for any flaws made her sick with nerves.

Of course it wasn't likely for them to extend an offer to first year students, but this probably served as a pre audition for them, to gauge out talents to look out for at the end of their school years.

A warm smile curved Adam's lips as he observed (Y/n)'s anxious expression. He took a step closer and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, his finger hooking under her chin. He tilted her head up to bring her gaze to his.

"Everything's gonna be fine, okay?" He said, "You're wonderful and they'll love you."

Adam knew the stakes were probably higher for (Y/n), as this was one of her only chances at reaching her dream. Things were different for Adam, first because dance wasn't nearly as important to him as it was to (Y/n), and also because Adam knew his father would stop at nothing for him to succeed. Even if he underperformed during this showcase, Adam knew his father was always there to put in a good word for him.

Not that his father's influence was enough to guarantee Adam a future in the ballet industry, of course. Which is why Adam had been working so hard at some point, eager to prove himself and show people that he had what it took to be successful.

That was before dance became more of a chore and less of a passion of his though. Before his mother's dream became more of an overwhelming pressure to succeed rather than a goal they had in common.

"You'll be the most beautiful ballet dancer, Adam. Just like daddy and mommy." Ariane said, cupping her son's cheeks in her palms and looking at him with adoration in her gaze.

Small Adam smiled back at his mother, eager and happy with her praises and the high hopes she placed in him at such a young age.

"Yes, mommy! I'll make you and daddy proud!"

Adam's mother had always been incredibly supportive of him and nothing but loving, his father used to be the same. Adam had lovely memories of his two parents kissing his cheeks and telling him about their picture perfect love story, about how it'd be his turn one day to experience such love.

But somehow, Adam's father's interests in his son's happiness had greatly dwindled when his wife had died a few years ago. Nothing mattered anymore, nothing but the fulfilment of his dead wife's last wish: for Adam to become one of the best dancers the world had ever known.

A pretty heavy load to carry for Adam who had only been twelve at the time. It was no wonder his passion for ballet had decreased. He still loved it, of course he did, but it was growing harder and harder for him to find reasons to hang on and push forward.

BROKEN WINGS (m. yanderes x reader)Where stories live. Discover now