XXIV- rivalry

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A week was left until the big day and (Y/n) was buzzing with energy, swinging between ballet classes and her rehearsals with Adam. Stella had also been expressing her excitement about attending (Y/n)'s showcase on the daily, only encouraging (Y/n) to work harder.

Of course the prime reason (Y/n) was putting so much of herself in this showcase was for herself, but knowing her friends and mother would be cheering her on was also good fuel. Without mentioning the fact she had every intention of catching the attention of some company recruiters that would be in the audience.

So far, things were looking up and Esme's words hadn't yet come back to bite (Y/n). Adam had been as sweet and supportive as ever, putting his all into their rehearsals.

(Y/n) could only hope luck would continue to be on her side this morning as she got ready to head out for coffee with Aaron. And Julian.

This had been very last minute and (Y/n) really hadn't planned on Julian tagging along, even more so considering she had ballet classes. But before she'd even realised what she was doing she'd been asking Julian if he was free and if he wanted to come get coffee with her.

She only hoped Aaron wouldn't be too bothered by Julian's presence.

(Y/n) didn't know what had willed her to ask if Julian wanted to come along in the first place.

Maybe it was the fact she knew he enjoyed good coffee, or the fact she wanted to grow closer to him and test the waters a bit more. Or maybe it was the fact she hadn't been able to shake off the memory of his eyes locked on her lips when the two of them had been alone in the kitchen.

"Are you ready to go?" Julian's voice cut through (Y/n)'s thoughts. He stood before her, clad in his usual dark trousers and black leather jacket. Looking as casually handsome as ever.

(Y/n)'s lips curved in a smile and she swung her ballet bag over her shoulder. "Yes, I've got everything."

Julian smiled back, the two of them leaving the flat and making their way downstairs.

His eyes observed (Y/n), his chest filled with warmth. He felt like he'd died and gone to heaven. He knew this wasn't technically a date and that there'd be one of (Y/n)'s friends tagging along, but still. The fact (Y/n) had thought of him and asked him out already meant their relationship was heading in the right direction.

Julian had been all too happy to notice the shift in their dynamic. It had been slight, but Julian knew (Y/n) enough to notice the slightest change in her behaviour.

It was becoming harder and harder for him to be patient. After a year and a half of longing and aching for her, of planning this all out, he was finally getting the results he'd hoped for. Still, Julian insisted on letting (Y/n) set the pace for this.

The last thing he wanted was for her to shy away if he was to show any sign of being too interested. Although this sounded paradoxal, Julian had soon learned that (Y/n) had an avoidant attachment style and the briefest sign of romantic affection from the opposite sex had her running for the hills.

Hopefully though, things would be different for the two of them. The thought of (Y/n) running away from him wasn't a pleasant one, and Julian didn't like to think about what he'd do if things didn't go his way.

"Aaron!" (Y/n) greeted with a smile, running down the flight of stairs to join her friend.

And Aaron would have greeted her just as joyfully if his eyes hadn't landed on Julian following behind her.

"Who's this?" The question slipped past his lips before he could swallow it back.Of course he had an idea of who Julian was, (Y/n)'s flatmate that is. But what he really meant was 'what is he doing here? With us'.

BROKEN WINGS (m. yanderes x reader)Where stories live. Discover now