XXXIX- panic

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Hey everyone, just a heads up that this chapter contains violence, graphic content and gore. Please proceed with caution if you're sensitive of easily triggered when it comes to these! 

"What the hell is he doing here?" Aaron was the first to speak, eyes flitting between (Y/n)'s frozen features and Simon who looked like he was about to piss his pants, his hands bound behind his back.

Adam smiled proudly, holding Simon upright beside him. Judging by the boy's black eye and busted lip, Adam had probably given him a rough beating. That would certainly explain why the guy (Y/n) seemed to fear more than anything was in the living room with them right this moment.

"Surprise!" Adam cheered, happily raising his arm in the air and gesturing to a bewildered Simon. (Y/n) seemed far from reciprocating his excitement though. Adam hadn't expected for her to rejoice just yet, though. The best part of his surprise was yet to come after all.

"(Y/n)? What-What is going on?" Simon asked, wildly scanning the room. Obviously, Adam hadn't bothered to fill him in on what was happening or why he was even here. "Why-Why am I here?"

(Y/n) blinked, trying to make sense of what was currently unfolding in front of her. After what Simon had done to her, she should have felt a strange sense of joy at seeing Simon so scared and bruised. But somehow, this situation only fueled her already brewing panic.

She was tied to a fucking chair, alone and defenseless with three men including the one who had raped her two years ago.

She was terrified.

Adam led Simon to a chair and pushed him down on it, a firm hand on his shoulder to keep him steady. He kneeled down beside Simon, shooting him a friendly smile that could have been reassuring if not for the fact Simon had been brought here against his will.

"Adam, what the hell is he doing here?" Aaron repeated and gritted through his teeth. He didn't know what Adam was planning, but judging by (Y/n)'s quivering lips, this was obviously a bad idea.

"Isn't it obvious?" Adam said, "This guy here obviously did something to (Y/n) and he has to pay for it. His punishment will depend on the extent of his crime."

Simon's eyes widened with fear, trembling in his chair as he tried to wriggle out of Adam's death grip only to be pushed back in his seat.

"No-No, please I haven't done anything! (Y/n), tell them!" Simon said, his eyes meeting (Y/n)'s in an attempt at pleading for her help.

But (Y/n) couldn't muster up an answer, her voice trapped in her throat as she stared at Simon in front of her, wild panic thrumming through her veins. In any other situation, maybe her anger at Simon's denial of what he did to her would have overpowered her fear, but in this moment she knew nothing but terror.

She had heard Adam's words, heard that the reason Simon was here wasn't to let him hurt her again. Still, her stomach twisted in painful knots and the air was sucked out of her lungs.

He wanted for her to talk about what Simon had done to her? For her to say it aloud? No. She didn't want to. She didn't want them to know about this part of her life. She didn't want to talk about it, much less with Simon in the room.

She wanted to leave.

She wanted to run away and hide.

Adam slapped Simon in the back of the head and a pained yelp fell from the boy's lips.

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