XXV- last nerve

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Aaron didn't know how much more he could take in one day.

Having to deal with Julian this morning had already been a rough start, but having to hear Adam talking about (Y/n) was the last nail to Aaron's coffin. Right this moment he'd rather be anywhere else than with Adam sitting at their usual table at the cafe near Bellemont Academy.

Adam had ordered some sugary drink of which Aaron couldn't be bothered to remember the name, and Aaron himself had ordered (Y/n)'s favourite drink.

It had been a while since he hadn't gone for a plain black coffee. He still liked it of course, but whenever he drank (Y/n)'s favourite drink it always made him feel closer to her and brought warmth to his day.

Adam had pointed out this shift in Aaron's habit once. Aaron had said he'd just needed a change of pace.

More than ever now, Aaron couldn't have Adam finding out about his feelings for (Y/n). Not because Aaron was scared of Adam in any way, but rather because he didn't want to have to fight with his best friend. As annoying as Adam was with all his delusional talk about (Y/n) and him being soulmates, Aaron still cared for his best friend.

He knew a fight would be inevitable though, as his love for (Y/n) wasn't exactly something Aaron could hide forever, even more if he intended on making her his one of these days. Which he absolutely did.

In the meantime though, he'd try to keep things as peaceful as he could between him and Adam. And if he had to fight Adam for (Y/n) at some point... Then so be it.

Aaron had lost too much for him to lose (Y/n) too.

"Have you spoken with Esme lately?" Adam's voice cut through Aaron's thoughts, brown eyes clouded with sadness and lips pulled down in a pout. "She hasn't been answering my texts and it feels like she's been avoiding me. Do you think she's angry at me?"

Aaron refrained from choking on his drink as he remembered Esme's distraught features when she'd been telling him about how Adam had strangled her.

Angry wasn't the right word though. Terrified of Adam would be more like it.

Aaron quietly sipped at his beverage. He knew things probably wouldn't turn out well if he told Adam about what Esme had said.

"No." A short answer, hopefully short enough for Adam not to notice this had been a blatant lie. Esme had been texting him, if anything Aaron had been the one not answering her texts.

Not because he didn't want to, he didn't have any beef with Esme and still considered her his friend. But he'd had other things in mind. Like (Y/n) and how to get her to love him back, or how to casually flirt with her without weirding her out.

This is a moment when Adam's advice would have been useful. Flirting came to him as naturally as breathing, and he didn't even have to try. And most of the time Adam didn't even try, he just acted like himself and people fawned over him. His father being the only exception.

Hopefully, (Y/n) wouldn't fall for Adam's charms too.

Hell, Aaron didn't even want to think about the possibility of (Y/n) falling for Adam, the very idea was headache inducing. But not only did Aaron have to worry about Adam, he also had to worry about Julian. (Y/n)'s flatmate who had the privilege of seeing her everyday.

Fuck, Aaron really hated the guy. And the idea that Julian had probably seen more sides of (Y/n) than he had drove Aaron crazy.

The fucker had probably seen her smile more times than he could count, had seen (Y/n) first thing in the morning wearing her pyjamas and bedhair, and he'd probably seen her right before bed with toothpaste smudged in the corner of mouth too.

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