Down the Rabbit Hole

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Realisation clicked as Heather stared at the compact mirror in Professor McGonagall's hand. She glanced at the hospital bed with a mixture of worry and pride. Worry, because Hermione could have died. Pride, because Hermione could have died, if not for her quick thinking. Smart girl.

The basilisk had caused petrifications instead of death because the victims hadn't had direct eye contact. Creevey had seen it through his camera. Finch-Fletchley had had Nearly-Headless Nick in front of him. The Gryffindor ghost, well he was already dead. Mrs Norris must have somehow escaped the basilisk's direct gaze as well. Now Hermione and a Gryffindor prefect, Penelope Clearwater, had had a mirror.

Heather chivvied Hadrian and Ronald out of the hospital wing when Percy entered, despite their protests. She had a feeling that the older boy needed some time alone with his fellow prefect - or more, judging by the devastation on his face.

This couldn't go on. It had been sheer good fortune that no fatalities had arisen so far. The next victim might not be so lucky to have a camera or ghost or mirror with them.


"Did you hear?" George whispered, "Dumbledore's been sacked. The Governor's called in a vote of no-confidence."

Fred snorted. "That's not all. Hagrid's been arrested! Apparently he's the one behind the attacks."

"Hagrid?" Heather repeated sceptically. "Impossible. He wouldn't hurt a fly." Biased the half-giant might be, but he was too kind-hearted to hurt anyone. Besides, he had no reason to hurt muggleborns.

"We know! But he was charged the last-"

"-time the Chamber was opened too!"

"How do you guys know all this?"

Patting her on the head, they shook their heads secretively at her.


"-we have our sources."

Amused, she said, "So you eavesdropped on the Professors with that invention of yours. Elongated Ears, or something."

They scowled and hid their prototype listening device behind their backs.


Heather had an ominous feeling. The past few weeks had been tension-filled. No one walked anywhere alone, not even her fellow Slyths. No more attacks had taken place, but the possibility haunted them. Especially since the Headmaster had left. For all her misgivings, she knew that the old man had been doing his best - nothing to scoff at for such a powerful wizard.

Her brother had been snooping around. He had taken Hermione's petrification personally. It had fuelled his determination to get to the bottom of the mystery.

What Heather was more concerned with, surprisingly, was not her brother's actions. Ginny had become more taciturn and frightened. While her talk with the younger witch had cheered her up for a while, she had quickly reverted to her morose state. It was extremely worrying.

Heather turned into the dungeons, intending to speak with her Head of House. Walking into a corridor, she let out a horrified gasp. She ran as fast as she could the rest of her journey. Barely pausing to knock on the door, she slammed it open.

The Professor gave a nasty look. "What do-"

"There's been another attack!"

Severus' scathing diatribe died in his throat as Heather Lyra's words registered. "Explain."

"Another message, right down the hallway!" she said tremulously.

He clenched his jaw and stalked out of his office, following after the visibly shaken girl. She had not been this heavily affected even when she had found the Hufflepuff boy. Had there finally been a death?

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