Chapitre 3-The meeting

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Omg, I just had a date so since I passed a really good day, I will get going to the convenience store for my ramen. Im running to there and I arrive in 2 minutes, I go get my ramen and I bump into AN HANDSOME MAN!!!!!! Omg, I fell on the floor, literally, I fell from his handsomeness. After making an eye contact with him, he pull on his mask and looks surprised and angry at the same time but Im not sure.

??: *deep voice* Can you get up or you need help?

Me: If you could help me it would be good.

He help me get up and Im now standing and he is a little smaller than Wonwoo but much taller than me, like I am 170 tall and I think he is around 180, he have black hair, brown and deep eyes and he have muscles, really much muscles but not too much. He looks like a character out of a mafia wattpad but Im not saying that I dont like that

He is totally my style but between if I had to choose between Wonwoo, i will choose him, maybe I can see him again someday here.

Me: Can I have your name?

???: No, I rather not, it could be really dangerous if you learn my name and we already passed too much time together.

And just like that he leaved, without saying anything about him or even a goodbye but leaving a big first impression on me. Im even more curious about him now, I know he told me it was dangerous but as you can see I love men that are hard to get so danger dont scare me if I can end up having him. I know I might seem crazy but I dont want to lose such a beautiful stallion so Ill go my way.

???s Pov

I bumped into this girl, the other day I saw her and she didnt saw me staring at her. I thought that she was pretty and even if one day I start to have feelings for him, I think that Boss wont agree on that so I just hope that he wont get caught this time but he told me that he fell in love again with one of his co-worker. Honestly, I hope that this time it will go well and that he wont have a broken heart. Last time he had to kill 10 persons to make himself feel better after knowing that she cheated on him after knowing that he was in the mafia. But since he never have enough he also killed her but the thing that he dont know is that the boy she was cheating with was me so I just try to be as small as I can.

When we are talking about the wolf

----------Entering call-Boss-----------

Boss: Damn, where the fuck are you?

Me: Im on my way boss

Boss: You better be fast or youll regret it, Im telling you.

Me: Where do you want me to pick you up this time? Night club? Restaurant? Bar?

Boss: You dont need to come pick me up but I need to talk to you, face to face.

Me: OK, right now where are you?

Boss: Im at the ****

Me: Im In front of the building in 2 minutes. Bye B

----------End of the call----------

Did he just cut me off? But when I arrived and Wonwoo, euhm Boss looks really angry, what happened to him?

Me: What happened? You seem angry.

Boss(Wonwoo): I think the girl I like, might like me back, for 1 time, Im so happy, Seungmin, this time, I fell like its the one.

Me: Im so happy for you, whats her name? Do you need me to follow her and tell you what she is doing?

Boss: Yeah sure, her name is Kang Shin-Su, and the second thing is, dont fall in love with her or Ill kill you with my own hand. I know it might sound ridiculous but her beauty is just stunning so dont fall in her charming trap. Do you understand or I need to repeat myself?

Me: No, its all good, I received the message very well.

Boss: Well now, you can get going.

Me: Thank you, then Ill go back home. Good night sir.

Boss: Good night to you too Seungminnie.

Me: What with the sudden surname?

Boss: Its your present for being perfect from the beginning to the end to me.

Me: *Looking away* Then its an honor, bye.

After being menaced by him for the 15148th time, I can finally eat my ramen, I lean on my sofa and I look at the starry night my house have a view on and especially today, the stars looks really pretty. They are lightning in the sky and its beautiful but the song Im listening to is not the same vibe: The leaders-Ateez.

I think that right now mom and dad would be proud of me if they were alive. Maybe my mom would have yelled at me for being a part of the mafia but my dad would have think thats cool and maybe right now we would be together looking at the sky and maybe talking about silly stuff like love, money and the stupid joke I did on Hyunjin yesterday but now Im here alone without any possible future because I grew up without parents and without money but the most important one, I dont really know what is love, I dont know the feeling of having a true friend that you can count on, no me I am a part of a mafia band Stray Kids We are 9 principals and the other 100 people are just people to count on to fight with other gangs.

The truth is that Im just a loser that just need a family and someone to rely on when it start to be difficult but I cant because who would want a guy with a past present and future in the mafia?

Sorry but i can't... Kim Seungmin FFNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ