chapter 11-I'd give up the world just for you

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Seungmins Pov

As I was about to finish my sentence, the door opens and that devil is the reason of it. Their guys take me by arms and tear me away from her, why do they have to do that?

I see Shin-Sus bright smile turning into a sad one, that just form a knot in my stomach, and at that moment, I have to stay strong for her. The mans close the door and take me to a room, this is pretty empty apart from a chair in the middle of it. Its the kind of room that brings the make lead of a mafia movie to be tortured.

I start to panic a little bit and one of them order me to sit on it, not really in a gentle way. I obey as I dont really have the choice. Everyone end up leaving the room, me being alone, once again, I cannot stop thinking of Shin-Su who is being alone with these men.

What if they start touching her? And as I have a lot of these kind of thoughts in my mind, the anger is filling my veins, my heart beats faster and my breath gets heavier. I try to free my hands which are tied fixedly to the chair.

Almost succeeding as Jong Kang enter the room, I stare intensely at him, I cant even find a proper word in the present dictionary to describe how evil this human? is.

After what seemed like an eternity staring at each other, he finally speak up.

Jong Kang: So, here we are.

Me: There is no We, I have nothing to do with you.

Jong Kang: Well you tried to kill me yes, you have something to do with me.

I dont have anything to say, he is right, we had for plan to kill him. He say once again

Jong Kang: Do you know what is going to happen?

Me: I have my own little idea.

Jong Kang: Could you tell me?

Me: Are you planning on torturing me to get informations out of me?

Jong Kang: Well, it wont be physic but there will be torture if you dont wanna tell us anything. Bring her!

I freeze as I see her arrive and I realize what is going to happen, if I dont say anything, they are gonna torture her. My breath stops and I feel something blocked in my throat. I am for once in a while scared, fear is filling me and I cant move. She finally see me, she is confused, she dont know what is happening.

Jong Kang: As you can see, your friend joined us. The more we are, the more fun we have right?

He gives me an evil smile that just send chill down my spine, he is really scary.

Jong Kang: Shin-Su, its your name right? *He chuckle, looking down, smile, what a creep* This man, I guess is your friend seems to care pretty much about you so we will use you to pressure him to get informations about his clan, his mafia gang. How? Euhm well, if he doesnt answer our questions, my man here and beside you will torture you. But how will, we torture you? Taking some nails off, cutting your fingers, things like that, you know? Cut your body, little by little so you can really feel the pain. But this is the goal, Seungmin wont be able to stand so Im sure we will get some things out of him. *he laugh*

As he finishes talking, I see her getting real fear, I should be strong for her but I cant stand seeing her get hurt. I think For a while actually and end up with this conclusion: I dont want her to get hurt, even if I am gonna be considered as a traitor, I cant lose her. I JUST CANT!

A girl approach me, rip my top clothes off with a knife, revealing my bare chest, my muscles and abs. The cold hitting my skin and her putting some sort of patches around my heart, it looks like the things you get at the hospital to measure your heart beat.

Jong Kang: Lets start now and not lose any time. We got you with those patches, a lie detector so you cant lie to us.

I sigh, look at her and then that thing I dont even know if I can call him a human for doing such things in his life like raping and euhm anyway, I dont wanna think about how bad she must have felt. He talks again, I wish he could just shut the fvck up right now.

Jong Kang: What is your full name?

Me: Kim Seungmin

Jong Kang: Age?

Me: 23

Jong Kang: Birth date?

Me: 22 September 2000

Jong Kang: Hobby?

Me: I dont have any.

Man: Lie.

Jong Kang: Last chance, any hobby?

Me: Thats embarrassing.

Jong Kang: Whisper it then.

Me: I do myself good

Jong Kang: I have to agree, every man does that. How many are you guys winning these days?

Me: 20 Million

Jong Kang: Thats a really good number, I do the same to be honest and then who is your biggest client?

Me: Are you planning on killing our client?

Jong Kang: I think you didnt got it, I ask the questions and YOU ANSWER.

I jump in surprise as he he suddenly raises his voice.

Me: So?

Jong Kang: its not your business kiddo, so? Who is he?

Me: No need to know, you dont know him.

Jong Kang: Should we start with the lady then?

Me: No dont please. I dont know who that client is.

Man: Lie.

Jong Kang: Why cant you tell me?

Me: There is no reason.

Man: Lie.

Jong Kang: Wanna play that game?

Suddenly one of the man that was close to Shin-Su catch her hand and take some sort of a pliers and place it around one of her fingers on her right hand. Jong Kang looks at me with a smirk.

I start to realize what is happening and that she might get hurt in the next seconds if I dont answer his fucking question. And as I was about to answer his question...

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