Chapter 7-Why?

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Shin-Sus Pov

I am currently on the floor and I am listening to my BTS playlist, I passed an awful day, My co-workers once again made fun of me and poured coffee on my shirt, I couldnt leave work and Wonwoo wasnt here, my day couldnt have been worse.

Like always I ate alone, my dad called me but I didnt even answer, Im still mad at him for what he did, he always try to control my life, even though I moved very far away from my home.

I want to be as far as i can from them, my mom and my dad, I dont want to see them anymore.


-3 years before-

Me: Mom, Dad, Im home.

No response but I hear noises from the kitchen, it seems like they are yelling at each other.

Mom: You're not in responsibility of her life!

Dad: And you think that I have to wait for your consent?!

My mom sigh, angry

Mom: She is going to that school!

Dad: No, she is going to go to ****! That you want it or not!

Mom: She is better as a lawyer!

Dad: No, she is better as a doctor!

Mom&Dad: No she is better in that!

I explode

Me: SHUT UP!!!

They look at me, shocked.

Mom: Honey, youre here.

Me: And I thought that you were on my side. *i shake my head in disappointment* You know what? Im leaving this house, Im not a fucking toy!

Dad: Watch out your language!

Me: I wont! I have a voice and I dont want to be either a doctor or Lawyer. I dont even know what I wanna do. I thought of working in a restaurant but you two never listen to me, Im tired of being nonexistent.

Mom: Honey, Im s....

Me: No, I dont want to hear your apologize, its too late, Im tired of all this shit.

Dad: Youre not leaving this house!

Me: Blah blah blah.

I go to my room, take my luggage and start packing all my stuff, I take my money and I leave the house running to the door, slamming it. Im so mad at them and I dont want to see them anymore.


After around thirty minutes walking, I arrive at an hotel, happily, I have money (fifty million won) and so, I go over to the reception and tell them if I could get 1 room for an unknown time. Wich I get and then I head over to the elevator, I jump in it and then get to my room, the room is very simple, nothing complicated, there is a little bathroom with toilets and a bed. I think that Ill be here for a little time before I find a little job and a little house.

I am laying down on my back on the bed, I stare at the ceiling, I have no emotion, my heart is beating fast and my breath is heavy, I am so mad at them. I thought that they would at least understand me and let me study the job that I want but nothing, they dont even try, Im disappointed.

I scream and I throw all my stuff on the floor, I cry,


I dont make any noise, just a silent cry, feeling the tears going down my cheeks and dripping from my jaw line, my sobs, the rain hitting the window, the lightning and laughs from the other room.

My chest hurt, my heart ache, I squeeze my chest, I close my eyes and I feel destroyed, tears wont go out, Im not even feeling an emotion, I am truly broke. The only one I had just betrayed me, I am this time, really all alone on this regular rainy day.

I finally decide to go out and I am now outside, I look at the void, I am empty, I dont have any tears, any sadness, any anger, any love, nothing, I just dont feel anything. I feel the rain on my body, the only thing I can feel.

I chuckle "Its cold" and as I laugh, tears go down my cheeks I am truly lost, I keep laughing and crying, someone could find me crazy. Someone bumps into me, and as I dont feel my muscles reacting, I fall on my knees, I look down, I dont move, nothing matters anymore and no one will ever save me. I'm starting to get the idea that I'm alone and that I probably always will be.

And as I was alone in my thoughts, I feel something fall on my head, its a coat, someone just gave me a coat! I turn around and see a guy walking away, I yell "thank you", he turn around, look at me briefly before smiling and go in his way until I dont see him anymore, a small smile appear on my face. At least I got to feel a bit happy today.


Im now looking at my door, I open it without any energy and sit on the corner of the bed, I remember the coat and smell it, "It smells Cologne, its very masculine like" I wonder.

-End of the Flashback-


At that moment I made the promise that I would give it back to the owner. I will keep it even if I have to die for it because that simple guy just made me realize at that moment that not everyone is like my parents or most of the people. If he didnt gave me his coat that day, I wouldnt be here today so I owe him my life.

YES, i did cried writing that, hope you enjoyed it.


Sorry but i can't... Kim Seungmin FFWhere stories live. Discover now