Chapter 10-You and Me

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This chapter contain vocabulary that might shock the young readers.

Seungmins Pov

Me and her both have our backs against the wall, waiting for something, I guess. Our shoulders slightly touching, I wanna ask her what happened but I feel like I shouldnt, she is surely traumatized by now.

Me: Do you wanna talk about it?

Shin-Su: I want to but I dont know where to begin.

Me: Then take your time.

After some time, staring at the void, being blank I decide to be honest and to not be scared, there is no reason of why I could be.

Shin-Su: So everything starded when I woke up

Shin-Sus Pov


I am slowly waking up, I am in a sort of medical room, there is a nurse, muscular men probably keeping me to make sure that I dont runaway. There is no Window and I look at my stomach, I am only wearing an underwear and my bra, Im feeling embarrassed and scared as these mans could do anything to me if they wanted to.

Suddenly one of the man notice that I woken up and smirk, he come closer to me, I try to move out of his way, Im scared.

Man: Dont be scared, Im not gonna eat you, well not really, its a bit different, dont make any noise.

Me: What are you doing? Get away from me, you dont have my consent.

Man: Thanks for giving me your consent.

Me: I didnt!

He takes off my underwear, take a quick look, tears starting rolling down my cheeks, then other guys arrives and they get behind him. He then takes his thing out of his pants and go in me, going back and forward, Im empty, Im not even resisting. I dont even feel the will to even kick him and then he finishes after around 3 minutes of hell.

This time I try to defend myself, I start kicking him, and the others until they start hitting me back, my body starting feel painful. I then feel so weak to even move and after 30 minutes, they all finished, I am here, laying down on this table, the nurse arrives and look at me shocked, I look at her, me being truly broken.

She then look at my down there and shakes her head slightly No, I break into tears and then she cleans it. Finally someone taking care of me, a men arrives and gives me my dress, I never saw him. The medical untie me and some other muscular guys take me by both my arms and lead to some kind of basement and when I look in front of me, there is Seungmin, his shoulder is bleeding.

-End Of Flashback-

Seungmin: they are real pork, Im gonna kill these motherfuckers

Shin-Su: You could kill them? Just for me?

Seungmin: Id give the world for you Shin-Su.

My heart stop and my eyes widen a little bit, I look at him in the eyes and I am just lost in his calm and reassuring gaze. My heart then start to beat faster and I am profoundly touched, no one would never even care about me so right now, I feel for once in a lifetime Special

Shin-Su: *I chuckle* Whats gotten into you? The emotionless guy who never opens up about himself.

Seungmin: I really thought that I lost you today.

His voice gets lower and a bit shaky, emotional just like he was about to cry. I feel so much things that at the moment I cant even say proper emotions.

Seungmin: For the first time in 7 years, I cried. When I saw you falling on the floor, seeing all this blood, I got scared and sad. My heart stopped for a second, to be honest, I killed the man that shot, you, I felt so much anger that I had to revenge you. For about 5 minutes, I lost myself and I was ready to die at that moment, nothing mattered anymore, I was so touched, I wasnt think straight anymore. I care about you really much and I dont even know why. Thats the funniest part, youre so *a small smile appear on his lips and his eyes start to get red as tears start to form in his brown mesmerizing eyes* stunning, beautiful, a little bit messy and absolutely so cute. I surely had some adventures with some women but with you, you make me feel different.

I look at him in the eyes and I see the lust in his eyes, the desire, I dont hesitate and slowly pose my lips on his, I close my eyes and get myself lost in the feeling of his lips against mine. He kiss me back and I feel a tear falling along my cheek, this time, its not mine, its his tear.

His watery eyes as I get back and look at him, I gently wipe them away and he looks at me with such a genuine smile. I stop overthinking so much and I ask him

Me: Do you really think that way?

He simply nods

Me: Im a bit lost.

Seungmin: Me too, Im lost in those pretty eyes of yours.

Me: What a flirt. Pffft

Seungmin: Im not flirting, Im just telling you how I feel.

Me: And how do you feel?

Seungmin: Attracted. Im attracted to you... Also interested...

Me: Then, is there a girl that left an impression on you?

Seungmin: You.

Me: Beside me, dumby.

He slightly chuckle

Seungmin: Yes, there is, it was around, euhm 4 or 3 years ago, I was an a hotel and when we arrived at the entrance, I saw a girl, on her knees, she wasnt protected from the rain, that day was really rainy so I gave her my coat. I continued my way and then I looked behind me and when I saw her smile, I smiled back before entering the hotel. At that moment, I really thought that she was crazy.

At that moment I thought that it really looked like the day I ran away from my parent's home, maybe a bit too much though.

Me: That looks like something that happened to me the day I ran away from my parents house.

Seungmin: Really? Then tell me, I wanna kn

Before he could finish his answer, the ugly old man open the door, I am being a little scared wich I then cling a little to Seungmin. He then leave and some guy come and take Seungmin away, forcing him, even though I want to help him, I cant, Im too weak? I really wish that I were stronger.

I am now alone again I guess that I will have to wait for him to come back, well I hope that he will, Please.

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