Chapter 6-The plan

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Finally coming back with a new chapter guys and so sorry for the wait, i didn't had much inspiration.

Seungmins Pov

-One week later-

I became totally crazy, I didnt even went to the convenience store, Im craving those ramen right now, but I am so scared about the fact that will maybe see her, that girl that entered in my life so suddenly and I dont even know her, I just know here name and age but thats it. My boss will kill me if he learns anything about what happened between me and Shin-Su. I will probably die like all those people he killed without any mercy or even that girl he loved and cheated on him with me. I am really close to him but he stays really scary and dangerous sometimes, No, all the time.

I am not getting scared easily but he is something else, and that is for sure.

To be honest, this girl isnt that bad, she is quite pretty actually but not my style. I never had any crush on anyone, it was just flirt or for fun. I am not like any of those typical mafia stuff.

First of all I am very kind and I have a fragile heart, I might look severe or cold but I am not, well not really. I am always the first to start talking to the team about more saving that killing lives, it not always works but anyway.

I am what we call, a little fluffy bear, I am actually but well apparently super cute and soft, protective also.

I can be scary but I never really have bad intentions, I just listen to the orders given, when we think about it, today, Ill have to go out, I HAVE TO, there is a mission, we will kidnap one of our enemy, Lee Jong Kang. He is very powerful, one of those cliché mafia man, around 40 years old, live in a true overprotected housed anyway.

I am on my way to Wonwoos house and I am a bit stressed, after what I did with Shin-Su last week, Im scared that he might find out the truth and if he does he might kill me, he think that I am his best friend, and co-worker but I betrayed him 2 times, I totally deserve hell, I am a bad friend, I ruined his love life.

I see him, expecting to be scolded but indeed, he smiles at me and calls me by a surname

Wonwoo: Seungminiiiee!

Me: What with the sudden surname?

Wonwoo: Just shut up and accept it

Me: Yes sir

Wonwoo: Dont call me that, were friends after all, friends love each other and trust each other, and also, we dont and wont betray each other *he looks at me* right?

Im fucked up, he is gonna kill me, shit.

Wonwoo: Relax I wont eat u, its not like u betrayed me, I know it and I trust you.

Me: Thats true

Wonwoo: Lets go, we have a lot of things to do and to prepare.

Me: Yes sir.

Wonwoo: I told you to stop calling me that.

He hit me playfully and start to laugh, he really is handsome, I cant blame Shin-Su for starting falling into his charms. Even though I didnt wanted to see her, a part of me is still intrigued by her and I am going crazy. What am I even thinking?

Then we get into the real things, we jump in his car and at that moment, I realize, I might die, I might get kidnapped or into bad stuff, its also a thought that always gets me shivering, Death, how is it? Is it painful? I wonder

Wonwoo: What r u thinking about so deeply?

Me: When someone dies, is it painful?

Wonwoo: I dont know, that depends.

Me: Yeah, I still have a question though.

Wonwoo: What is it?

Me: Could we die during this mission?

He looks at me, saying nothing

Wonwoo: You know the answer pretty well.

Me: Yeah, I just wanted to make sure.

Wonwoo: You have anyone to say your good byes to?

Me: No one, only you.

Wonwoo: Then dont die.

Me: And so you too, For Shin-Su.

Wonwoo: Why are you suddenly talking about her?

Me: You talk about her 24/7 so since she is your crush, She would be really sad, I think.

Wonwoo: Youre right I have to make it alive for her.


At the house, well, Wonwoos house, I find myself in the living room, all those sheet of papers about this man on the table. I am studying them as well as the plan of his house and holy sh!t, its bigger than I thought. We have exactly 1 week and a half to prepare everything and I start to tress wich I do really rarely, Im usually really calm. Wonwoo look at me and nod, I nod back and here was just the start of the plan.

-Ellipse, 1 week later-

We finally finished and I can see how much we worked hard, we worked on every little single detail, our eye nags are so big that its blue/purple. Im tired but happily, today, its a day off, I will take it to sleep. Wonwoo proposed me to sleep here so it can be easier and also, we entered in a dangerous field, someone could kill me while I am not conscient.

Wonwoo lead me to his guest room and as I thought it could be, its really simple, the principal colors here are Grey and black. If I were him, I would have put pretty much color but I am not here to criticize, after all, its his choice.

Wonwoo: Have a good sleep, we have a lot of things to do tomorrow.

Me: Are you feeling stressed?

Wonwoo: Honestly?

Me: Yeah

Wonwoo: I am, Im thinking about what if I die? What if we dont succeed our mission?

Me: We will maybe be killed or either kidnapped and tortured.

Wonwoo: Not so good of an idea but well, we decided to live in this world.

I greet him good bye and I go to sleep not knowing what will happen the day after

Sorry but i can't... Kim Seungmin FFWhere stories live. Discover now