Chapter 5-revelation

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Shin-Sus Pov

Since I kissed a men recently I have to go for a walk and its sunny today so its perfect. I take a light jacket and I go out side, the reflect of the sun on the water from the rain last night is beautiful and the persons I meet are mostly couple walking hand in hand and here I am being single and having an obsessed crisis over a boy I dont know anything about but OH RIGHT I know his name Seungmin. Its a pretty name, just like him and no one is complaining. When I start to be a bit too far from my home, I see a field with flowers and I find it so pretty that I have to take photos so I take my phone out of my pocket and I step back to have a better view of it and I press the button.

I take a closer look in my gallery and I find the picture so pretty that I update it on instagram

I have so much likes, I guess that people found it pretty too and since I think that I dont have enough of these, I take more and as Im taking pictures of these I step back and back at a point where Im about to fall and before I could touch the gr...

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I have so much likes, I guess that people found it pretty too and since I think that I dont have enough of these, I take more and as Im taking pictures of these I step back and back at a point where Im about to fall and before I could touch the ground, a hand grab me by the waist and as I was surprised, I look at him in the eyes and I can just recognize the owner of these.

Me: Seungmin?

Seungmin: Yeah, but can you get up?

Me: Oh sure. Why is he so kind all of a sudden?

Seungmin: Bye.

Me: What? But I just saw you, how about we go for a drink? never mind he definitely wasnt

Seungmin: This is not a good idea.

Me: Why are you always saying that this is not a good idea? Its not like you were in the mafia and that you are in danger every second of your life? No? It is because I am ugly?

Seungmins Pov

I know that she said it out of the blue but it give me chills, I feel naked for some reasons. I dont like that, she isnt supposed to make such suggestions and right now I wish I wasnt in the mafia so I could tell her what I felt when I saw her in the store and that makes me crazy

Shin-Sus Pov

Seungmin: Its not that you are ugly but its all I can say to you, you are pretty but you are not my style

Me: If one day you change your mind, here is my location, the place I live, my

Seungmin: Its okay I got it, Im not stupid.

Me: Really but I thought you were

I think that my joke wasnt funny since he is staring at me with so much anger in his eyes, its like he was about to jump on me at any moment and cut me into pieces. But curiosity and attraction take over me and I want to touch his face so I make my hand forward to his

Seungmin: What are you doing?

Me: *Blushing* I wanted to touch your face

Seungmin: Are you crazy?!

Me: Yes I am, you are making me crazy, so crazy that I think about you everyday and that I just cant but get obsessed over you and Im asking all these questions like What did he eat today? What is he doing? Is he working? Did the joke that I made earlier made him laugh? Will I be able to see him again? Why is he so mysterious? and here are the questions I ask myself everyday and I just cant get the answers because you seem so fucking busy that you think it isnt a good idea. So please stop being so fucking stubborn to me and start talking like a human with words and not staring at me with those scary eyes!!

Seungmin: You are so fucking idiot and you dont even know what you are doing.

Me: Yes I am!

Seungmin: No you dont!!! Its too dangerous!!

Me: Do you even care about me?!

Seungmin: Ye NOO!!

Me: Can you tell me the truth?!!!!!!

Seungmin: FUCK! YES I DO!!

Me: Then stop lying!

Seungmin: I dont even know why I care about you, I know you since 1 week ago and my friend likes you.

Me: Here it is, the truth!

Seungmin: Then Ill get going

Its me or he is blushing? There is no way, I think these are illusions. But what just happened? He care for me and he finds me pretty? Maybe I misunderstood but I have to make sure.

Me: Where do you think you are going?

Seungmin: Dont even dare to give me orders, Im not your fucking dog!

Me: And how dare you raise your voice at me! Can you at least respect me?

Seungmin: You are the first girl to defend yourself.

Me: Then Im happy that at least Im a someone in your life. And so why did you wanted to leave like that?

Seungmin: Because.its embarrassing to open myself to a stranger.

Me: Are we close now? Are we friend?

Seungmin: No. We just know each other thats it.

Before I could think of anything and try to fight back with that, I just thought that it was not worth it and that he dont hate me and THAT is a good thing.

Me: Good. Then see ya!

Seungmin: See See See you

There is the chapter that will change everything! Peace

Sorry but i can't... Kim Seungmin FFWhere stories live. Discover now