Chapter 8-A day out of the other ones

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Shin-Sus Pov

I just realized, I pass my life either eating on the floor or on the bed, or buying ramen. So for once I dressed up differently, I have a dress on, a pink one. Its pretty light but not see through and I also have a bag, it's quite small but pretty

 Its pretty light but not see through and I also have a bag, it's quite small but pretty

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Maybe that it is a bit extravagant to just go out but honestly, I never wear something decent like that so anyway

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Maybe that it is a bit extravagant to just go out but honestly, I never wear something decent like that so anyway. First im going to a café because I miss it, its been so long since I went there, maybe 2 or 3 years. But during that time, I wen through a lot, I was still selling my body but now, I dont do it anymore.

Back then, I was really empty and I couldnt even get up in the morning, I was depressed and nothing mattered anymore, and everything got worse when 6 month after I moved out, someone stole my money, in the middle of the day, in the middle of the side walk, someone stole my wallet. I found myself without any money anymore, then I starded living in a Spa for about 2 weeks.

Then I starded moving around and received a text from my Aunt telling me if I had problems with my parents since they texted her asking her if she could text them in case they saw me around. So I asked her if I could stay with her for some time and that I could explain her everything.

Happily she accepted and like I promised her, I told her everything, she was kinda shocked and I stayed with her until she Died from a cardiac arrest. But she never had any heart problem, she was really calm, eating healthy, she wasnt smocking, she was really young too since she was moms Younger sister. Not even 1 week after, my parents inherited all her money and became even richer.

I think that something wasnt normal, Im sure that they killed her, once my aunt so told me that she knew something big, she told me, "K.S.M" I looked everywhere for any tips but nothing, impossible to find anything. I inherited 1 billion Won from her and gave the others 10 to my mom, and finally 3 billion to some associations for homeless people, biodiversity, etc.

Thanks to her because she permitted me to live without worrying about money and I could live as I could. So, 4 years ago, I leaved my parents since they didnt really cared about my opinion or anything else, 6 month after I starded living in that hotel someone stole my wallet (my money was in it, I was doing shopping) and so I lived 2 weeks in a SPA to then live at my aunts place for about 1 year and then I bought my current apartment.

So stop talking about my careless life and lets go to the café. I start having this feeling in my stomach, a weird feeling, like somethings bad is going to happen but I dont care about it that much, I go on and finally arrive in the building.

As I enter, I smell the coffees, I hear the talks, I see the customers greeting me as I go over them. The one taking charge of me is a guy, he stops talking, his eyes slightly more open than usual and he is just staring at my eyes until his eyes start to go down, I roll my eyes and it doesnt go unnoticed since he clears his throat and ask for my command.

What is wrong with that lad?

I go over an empty table and pose my bag on my legs, half revealed and I start to feel eyes on me. I feel more and more uncomfortable as time pass by, i am not an exposition, if they could just stop staring at me. I anxiously smile and my breathing gets faster, I get my coffee and decide to go over some nice place nearby.

I walk, my coffee in my hand, my bag on my shoulder, I finally stop at a bridge when I see a group of men in front of me, all wearing black suit, they are walking almost simultaneously and its kinda scary, what are these guys deal?

I eye them and the more I look at them, the more i start to think that i might know one of them, Seungmin, what is he into? It gets me curious. Suddenly, he look at me and it is him, the moment our eyes meet, my body freeze, my heart stop and then start to beat again, Faster At the moment he is surprised but his eyes then turn into a sudden concern and shake his hand in a NO. What is he referring to?

I think that it could be better if I went ti him so I start walking in his direction, he then start to have a really concerned face, he shakes his head faster and tells me to stop wish I dont know, I wanna know, maybe I will be bale to finally discover what he is into even though it looks a bit dangerous.

His eyes go empty and I dont know why, I am confused, I hear a bang and after some seconds, I feel my stomach hurting, I look at it and what do I see? Blood! What is happening to me? Did I just got shoot, my vision gets blurry and I fall on the floor, I see a silhouette running towards me. I lift my arm as if I wanted to grab him but I close my eyes before I could reach him. Am I dying? I am dreaming, I just have to wake up right?

Yes, this is how the chapter, and? nah sorry guys, i will update the newt chapter saturday, i can't promise, i'll do my best guys, finally got my inspiration back so yayyyyy. Also no dialogue so yeah, hope it wasn't too long, usally my chapters are between 900 and 1000 words. (Random information)


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