Chapter 4-Only?

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Shin-Sus Pov

I think that these days Im getting a way to often eat ramen, maybe its because I would like to see again this mysterious man? I wanna ask his name but for the first time in my life, I see myself being shy over a boy and also that obsessed. So how about I go do some shopping since my clothes start to get really little and also to buy some food since the fridge is pretty empty and its been a while since I last ate home made food so I gotta eat healthy. I put on some Ok clothes and I get my car keys.

-To the mall-

I think Im pretty ready, I got my check list and now I go ahead. So right now I will start to get some beef, because why not? Then I go get households products and when Im close to getting there, I see this man, again, I was praying to meet him again at the store but I finally saw him again. Should I go to him? Since when was I this scared to go talk to a men? Cmon you can do it, a man is not gonna stop you. Now that I think about it, why do I want to see him that much and Its not like I have a crush on him or anything *blushing* yeah, its just curiosity. But he is with a man, I cant see his face but his back is very familiar and as I was hided behind a mannequin, staring at the two, the man I was looking at maybe felt it and looked at me. I fast hided myself and when my heart starded beating slowly, I saw myself being dragged in a more silent place. The reserve, it was black and this man was holding my hand while running and pushed me against the wall.

??: You are this girl from the convenience store, are you crazy or what? You are following me around, are you my sasaeng or something like that?

Me: No Im not, I went here because my fridge is empty and I need other things. You can look at my check-list, everything is here

He slapped the piece of paper from my hand and starded reading it, he have pretty eyelashes now that I have a closer look at him. I want to touch his face but I know that if I do that he will think that Im just a crazy obsessed women so I dont and just admire him.

??: Now that I read that, I think I had maybe a too much big impulsion of anger so I apologize.

Me: If you feel sorry, can you give me your name?

I now that he wont give it to me but at least I will have tried.

??: All you can have is my name, I wont give you more. Im Seungmin

Me: I thought that you never give your name to anyone

Seungmin: I dont even know why Im giving you my name so dont ask me.

Seungmins Pov

Am I crazy? I screwed up, my boss will kill me. And if he finds out about the thing Im hiding to him he will probably torture me before throwing me in a lake. He is calling me, shit, well I probably just abandoned him there and without saying anything. Before answering the call, I pose my finger on her lips signaling her to not say any word and well if she does I will probably have to kill her nevertheless she is the girl that my boss loves but like every time he fall in love, she have to ruin everything. So this time she cant fall in love with me and I cant either.

Her: Since, you told me your name, I will tell you mine, My name is..

Me: Shin-Su

HER: How do you know my name? And then you accuse me of stalking you?

Me: Its because.What should I say, I cant say boss, it will be weird, you know what, I dont take risk and I stay simple a person I know have a crush on you and *cheeks becoming light pink* he confessed to you at a restaurant.

HER: Oh, Wonwoo. He is your friend? Then Im happy to meet you *Blushing*

Me: Why is she blushing? Does she have a fever or something like that? Yeah he is my friend but if you dont love him, dont make him wait, or he will get even more hurt

HER: And what makes you think that I dont love him?

Me: Dont know just a feeling, I think that when I talked about Wonwoo you could have be a way more exited but you were just happy to meet one of his friends. BY any chance, the person you are in love with, is he close to you right now?

HER: *Blushing* What are you talking about *looking away*

Me: You know what Im talking about, I just have to make sure.

HER: What do you have to make sure?

Me: Just answer the question

HER: Well I dont know

Me: Youre kidding me right? You dont even understand your feeling?

HER: No I dont and I never did

Me: Then I hope that this will help you

I bend my head for a kiss, and I stay like that for about a minute. I get back and I ask her once again

Me: And now, do you understand the

And before I could continue my question, she go on her toes and she kisses me, I kiss her back for the gentleman I am and without saying or asking anything, I feel her tears falling on my cheeks. Why is she crying? Why does that bother me? And why do I ask myself all these stupid questions?

HER: It was just to make sure

Me: Dont worry, youre not the first girl I kissed and you wont be the last. Now Im leaving, Wonwoo is waiting for me and he might want to kill me by now.

HER: And you are just leaving me like that after kissing me?

Me: Yes.

I leave the place and I go over Wonwoo, Im preparing myself to be questioned and also being beat up by him for making him wait.

Boss: What happened so you have to leave me like that?

Me: I saw someone stalking you so I made him regret that. He took pictures of us and I took time to unlock his Phone and delete the photos.

Boss: Ok, but you should have at least prevent me.

Me: Yes, next time I will.

This time, its a bit messy, Im trying to make Seungmin look like bad boy but its a way more difficult than I thought.


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