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"Welcome aboard miss Vásquez," the pilot says as I enter the cabin. One positive thing about getting a job with rich people, is that you get to enjoy the bigger things in life like a fucking private jet. It was just me along with two strangers, as it would've been ridiculous to have an entire plans just for me.

I stayed very calm, as I knew not many people appreciated gloating or being overly excited about stuff like this, so I kept my composure quite well, which surprised me.

It was a very short flight. I became acquainted to the others on board; Cara Salina and her very attractive, very single, 21-year-old son Kai, whom I got along with perfectly. To be honest, he had no flaws so far. Beautiful smile, good sense of style, smells amazing, he was respectful towards his mum, me and the airplane crew and loved movies and music, which checked all of my boxes.

Unfortunately for us though, the plane was too soon to land and we had to say our goodbyes to one another, of course, exchanging numbers and socials.

I was picked up by a private chauffeur, whom I'd learned was named Armando. He was quick to put my bags away as we were already behind schedule and I was supposed to meet the management team in an hour. The ride wasn't quiet, me and Armando talking away about the flight, our interests and how he'd survived multiple plain crashes.

At last, we arrived at the training grounds and immediately I was greeted by Carlo Ancelotti, the apparent coach. He welcomed me with a big smile, leading me into the building hurriedly.

"The team is very excited to meet you, miss Vásquez, we don't get many women to play such a big role in their everyday training so if they give you any trouble, don't be afraid to report it to me or anyone else, alright?" He says, me nodding in return.

Then, he opens the door leading to the pitch, the bright sunlight hitting me hard after a long corridor of dim light. I finally see the grass light up and the stands reaching across the field. I'd been in a football stadium before, but it had never been this empty. Oddly enough it felt peaceful although I'd only been there for a few seconds.

He led me to the box, where I already saw a few players, shocked to see such big players just sitting, laughing about something on their phones. The coach quickly introduced me to them before calling the others from the field, which made me really nervous, seeing as they were quickly all standing in front of me in a group.

"Everyone, this is Davina Vásquez and she is your new physiotherapist," he says, causing a whistle to my left.
Carlo caught it too and sent him to run lap, causing a burst of laughter in the group.

After he sent the players back to training, he showed me around the terrain, through the stands, cafeteria and to meet other crew members. Finally, we went past my office, which was bigger than my house and he left me to settle.

Immediately, I called Enzo to show him the terrain, hear screams every five seconds because even he couldn't believe I was in the Area Madrid stadium.

"Oh my days, aren't you worried?" He finally asks, confusing me.

"What'd you mean?" I ask.
"Well you know, as a girl in a team full of boys and considering a player u used to-" he got cut off by the coach walking in, announcing a meeting for all the teammates and crew.

"Sorry Enzo, you can tell me later but I got to go," I say, quickly hanging up after a few goodbyes.

I go to the meeting room Carlo had told me about and take a seat near one of the players called Rodrygo. He starts speaking in Spanish to me, luckily knowing the language, we have a great conversation until the meeting actually starts.

The coach talks about the upcoming games and other corporate informations giving us each a slip if paper to show us where we have to be during the games and at what time. My schedule was pretty clear, having to just check the players a few times before the game starts, to clear their physique but apart from that, I could watch the game peacefully until someone hurt themselves.

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