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"I can't believe you didn't just tell me he transfered to Madrid!" I exclaim while on the phone with Kayo.

"Yeah well that girl Erica wouldn't let me finish as she went all Tarzan on you." Though I couldn't see him, I could sense him rolling his eyes.

"Oh come on, first of all, you think she's absolutely gorgeous so you should thank her and second of all, you could've texted me! It's not that hard you know. I know you're like a hundred years old but you know how to type words." I say back.

"Oh my God I'm a year older than you," he laughs.

"Exactly, you still use telegrams," I snap back before hanging up, leaving him laughing on the other end.

Firstly I was super excited for the job, and I still am, but it's become slightly less appealing knowing I'd have to see him every day. I can still remember the day we met, and what an arsehole he was.

I was 13 and me and Lorenzo had just settled in the orphanage, live going as slow as it could. Winter break had just finished and school was coming at us too soon. I was already missing Bukayo even though we saw each other last week, I hadn't talked to him since the move, which made me dread going to a new school even more, knowing he wouldn't be there and I had to make new friends all over again.

The school wasn't far from the orphanage, but still far enough to have the thoughts of turning back and spend the rest of my days locked up in my room run through my mind. Unfortunately, I made it to the school ,already feeling eyes on me, making me more nervous than I ever was.

I hesitantly entered the building, already hating it. I had received the roster beforehand so when the bell ran I quickly went to search for the class we had to gather in. If only my navigation skills were better, as it took me a good ten minutes to find the room, making me late on my first day.

I softly knocked on the door, opening it and seeing all the students' eyes on me, as well as the teacher's.

"Good morning, I assume you are Davina Vásquez," the teacher says, making me return a nod.

"Everyone, I'd like to welcome miss Vásquez as our new student, please make her feel at home ,you may take a seat right there, next to Jude," he pointed to the back corner of the class where a boy put up his hand to indicate the teacher was talking about him.

I quickly walk over, taking a seat and lean back in my chair, already almost falling asleep until I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn my head to see the boy Jude look at me, he then puts out his hand for me to shake, which I gladly do. If I'm going to stay here, I might as well make some acquaintances.

"I'm Jude Bellingham, nice to meet you," he says, his accent a lot different than what I was used to in Ealing.

"Davina Vásquez, nice to meet you too," I reply, turning back towards the teacher who was explaining some boring history person.

"Where'd you move from?" I suddenly hear again from the boy next to. I hesitate to reply, but still do, not wanting him to question too many things about my life. Thankfully, he just nods at my answer, getting the message. Though I felt bad just shrugging him off, I felt like it was better not to engage too much especially after what had just happened a few weeks ago.

I don't really remember at what point Jude had formed hatred towards me but all of a sudden that nice personality and welcoming smile disappeared and he was bumping my shoulder in the halls, dropping my books on the floor and hitting my head constantly with his erasers, which apparently he had a full stock of, never running out of them.

"Hey idiot," I hear his familiar voice behind me and groan, turning around to face him.

"What do you want Bellingham?" I ask, placing a hand on my hip while the other leans against the wall.

"Ugghh, please turn back around I can't stand your ugly face," he says. I only roll my eyes and turn to walk away, annoyed when he follows me, walking beside me.

"You have a younger brother right? Lorenzo?" he asks, turning his head down to me.

"Yes," I reply shortly.

"Well, I have a younger brother too, his name's Jobe and-" I quickly cut him off.

"I didn't ask," quickly going in the girls washroom to avoid him,leaving him stranded.

I walk in, seeing my newly made best friend Amara reapplying her makeup.

"Hey sis, you alright?" she asks, seeing my annoyed expression.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just Jude," I answer, her already understanding the situation.

"You know, I never understand why you two don't get along. Honestly you'd be a hot couple," she says.

I can only cringe at the thought of me and him together. "No way, I can't even stand him now, and only imagining that would make me sick," I say, faking gagging sounds, making her laugh.

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