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"So how's the arm?" I ask Jude as he sits on the bench. He only shrugs, clearly not wanting to be here.

"Look, i can't help you get better if-" 

"I don't need your help!" he suddenly snaps.

"Don't you even know when to just shut up? How did you even get this job anyway? We all know you couldn't buy your way in since neither of your parents left you any money and you can never seem to make it yourself!" he suddenly says, shocking even me.

"God, I wish you'd just join your family in the graves," he scoffs, leaving the room and slamming the door. I caught a glimpse outside and saw a majority of the members sitting in the lounge, shocked. They must have heard that conversation, or rather, Jude's outburst.

I was about to let it go but couldn't stop thinking about how he had the last word, something I was sick of and have been sick of my entire life. This time, he was the one in the wrong and nothing could be held against me if I argued back. So I ,made a decision, put my game face on and stalked out the door, following him.

"Why are you such an asshole to me huh? You know what I've been through and you dare to tell me to shut up? All you do ever since I met you is talk about yourself and how much money you make and how successful you are but you're the most selfish, stupid, narcissistic person I've ever met and I wish I'd join my parents and Amara because then I would've never met you!" I yell, following him onto the pitch, several of the players joining, standing on the sidelines.

He then comes closer to me, pointing a finger at my face, too close to my liking.

"Look, I don't know why you decided to come to Madrid, but you don't deserve to be here. No one wants you here and your terrible at your job. I just wish you went back to your smaller than a mouse house and rot there or until you get shot just like your mother was," he says through gritted teeth, but still shouting somehow, earning gasps from everyone around us.

"Fuck you Jude Bellingham," I reply, feeling tears but refusing to let them fall, refusing to give him the satisfaction and forgetting trying to get the last word.

"I quit! You're right, I'd rather go back to being broke than staying here and having to deal with you every day!" I say, rushing off the field through all the others and heading to my office.

I can hear protests from the others trying to stop me but I run to the room and lock the door, soon hearing bangs and yells, ignoring them and packing up my stuff. The knocks eventually stop and I just hear several of the boys yelling Jude's name.


"Are you dumb! What is your problem? Why would you say that stuff?" Antonio yells, slapping the back of my head.

"Stop it man, it's the truth!" I yell back pushing him off me.

"You're an idiot Jude, that's the truth. You can't say that stuff to her. I mean, i don't know the full story about her family, but hearing that, it must've been bad." Luka says, coming up to us.

"Who cares? That was ages ago, she should be over it by now, she's just too sensitive," I shrug, wanting to leave but someone pushed me back. 

"Jude, you need to apologize or she's going to leave!" Antonio says.

"You're the dumb one here, that was the point!" I yell, having the last word and rushing off to the changing rooms.

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