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I was working on something when the boss came to our table and called me over to her office.

Immediately, I felt eyes on me and I couldn't help but feel really nervous. I tried to think of things I did wrong and felt like a student being sent to the headmistress' office for something they didn't do.

I regained myself and knocked on her door, entering after affirmation. I took a seat opposite her and took a deep breaths ready for whatever bad news was to come.

"So, Davina, how have you found your position so far?" She asks, looking incredibly calm, even a smile on her face. Oh no, she's going to let me down easy.

"It's been great, honestly, I've been working hard and really enjoy the work here," I answer, holding in a breath.

"Don't worry miss Vásquez I'm not firing you," she laughs, grabbing some papers from her drawer.

I exhale the breath, already feeling more relaxed.

"What am I here for then, may I ask?"

She hands me the papers, telling me to look through them while she explains.

"Well, we have several spots open for interviewers for upcoming events and seeing as you're a very open, and easygoing character, I thought you might want to take it," she explains, waiting for an answer. Though I didn't even have to think about it.

"When do I start?" Causing a laugh out of her.

"There's an event next week in London. Everything is already set, I just need your signature," she says, handing me a pen.

After signing, she sends me home because apparently if you get a promotion they give you more time to do stuff.

Before leaving, I stopped by Kai to tell him the news.

"Oh my God I'm so happy for you babe," he says, picking me up, hugging me.

He sets me back down and gives me a quick kiss.

"You'll be great, I know it."

"Thanks Kai," I laugh, leaving him to work while I hop on my bike.

The morning of the event I start feeling very nervous. I'm waking around my hotel room, already in my dress as I'd decided to get ready five hours beforehand just to be safe.

I'm rereading my cue cards for the millionth time, memorizing each interview question until it was all I could think about. I keep pacing, suddenly realizing it's already 3:30, and panicking while running to the lobby.

When there, I try my best to seem composed, though I'm already out of breath after my marathon. I practically run outside to the car picking me up, relaxing once I'm in the seat.

During the ride, I fix some of my makeup and hair, making sure I look presentable as I'd be on screen the whole time.

When we got to the event and I stepped out the car, I was surprised to see a lot of press and paparazzi taking pictures of me and shouting questions. I mean, it was a sports event, meaning a lot of big footballers would show up and I didn't expect them to pay any attention to me.

I heard a bunch of questions like what I was up to, who I was wearing and if I was really in a relationship. After losing for a bit I kept walking, ready to start the interviews but someone literally pulled me away and pushed me onto the red carpet.

I tried my best to look good because it was my first time and it didn't help that the camera flashes were blinding me. But I just pushed through it and a bit weirded out that they all knew my name.

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