6) argument and bonding

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Tw mention of jos at some point
         ~real life~

Max was going to the bar close to the hotel to celebrate his win with his teammates.
He entered and saw Daniel, that came to see the race, Carlos and Lando in a corner. He joined them after ordering a cocktail at the bar.

He went to see his friends that were already a bit drunk like the rest of the crowd. He greeted them and sat at the table they were occupying. Lando took Carlos by the end to go the dance floor and left Daniel with Max. Other drivers came by and started dancing and drinking more. Max tried to go in front to dance with them but stopped as he saw something or more someone.

He turned around to see Leclerc walking a bit drunkenly holding a random man' hand. They went to the bathroom together. Max didn't really think anything of it.

Max went to order a new drink and came back to Daniel.
After a while he needed to go to the bathroom. He went and walked into the bathroom to something he clearly wasn't prepared for. He saw Leclerc kissing the other man he saw him with earlier. He was shocked and stared a bit. Never imagining his rival like that.

Leclerc stopped kissing the man to take a breath and saw Verstappen. His eyes became big in a second from surprised. Charles panicked a bit realising that his rival who hates him very much saw him snogging a man and could clearly black mail or mock him with it. He rapidly pulled away from the man and approached Max. The Australian man was a bit confused.
Charles approached to talk
"-It's not what you think it is!

- Oh so you weren't kissing him then,

- Well hm now that you say it like yes but please don't do anything

- So you're gay

- I guess so

- I know you hate me but please d-"

Charles was cut short because Max walked out without responding anything.


Honey badger : am I the only one with a way to big headache right now

Milkboy: no believe me

Chilli 🌶️: we drank way to much

Gridmum: please tell me none of you did anything stupid...

Little lion 🦁: well they didn't do too much I didn't drink a lot so I saw them
Lando, Carlos, George and Alex danced like crazy idiots

Albono: not to bad

Facts: facts

Little lion 🦁: Val, Nico, Checo and K- mag drank like there was no tomorrow all night

Checo: yeah... shouldn't have done that

Val: nah I'm alright

GridDad: Finnish genes 😎

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