30) Mexican dinner

676 24 5

*Real life*

Sergio was leaving his hotel room with his car. He was going to the restaurant for the dinner. He had reserved an entire room for them. The waiter showed him the room. With obviously getting a pic with the minister of defence. The driver sat down at the big table. He took one the bottle of champagne in the room and served himself a glass.

The first drivers arrived a few minutes after and greeted Checo. They sat down near him and started talking to him while he served them a glass of champagne. Daniel started sipping his champagne while the other red bull drivers and Charles kept talking. They were talking about the race results. Checo was obviously a but disappointed as he dnf'ed at his home Grand Prix. Daniel was simply happy about his p7 so they both let the other two yapping about the race. As they always did.

Max was still maxplaining when a second group of drivers arrived. Pierre had arrived with Yuki, Alex and George. The Aussie and the Mexican went to greet them. But they even had to shake the numbers 16 as he was still leclerifying to Max. The two too absorbed in their conversation.

Pierre sat down next to Max and Charles with Yuki beside the Frenchman. Alex and George sat down next to Daniel. Checo gave all of them a glass of champagne. They all started talking about anything. But especially the coming winter break. They were already making plans with family and friends. Or partners.

The drivers were interrupted by a duo that was coming in. Lando and Carlos sat down next to the rest of the twitch quartet and in front of two empty seats that would be soon occupied. The two boys were also served champagne and greeted by Checo.

After a while Oscar and Logan had arrived and took a seat next to Lando. Logan went at the end of the table. Liam had arrived shortly after at the same time as Nyck, Val and Ganyu. Liam, Nyck and Ganyu went all on one side in front of Carlos, Lando and Oscar. At the same time Valteri went to the other side of the table. Leaving only one seat to the end for Seb and Kimi that had also arrived in the mean time. Seb had went to the end and Kimi between him and the other Finnish. Checo had gotten up to greet everyone and served some champagne. The Mexican was about to sit back down when he saw both the number 44 and 6 entering the room. The duo sat next to Seb, in front of the two Finnish. Nando then arrived with his kid and his two boyfriends. They all sat together with Mick in front of the other two boys. Nando was between Val and his kid. This was leaving two places which put Mick in between.

The two late comers had finally arrived and saw that the only places were besides Mick. They had to sit too close to their will but didn't complain. The waiter had come back seeing the full room. He, with his colleague, had taken their drinks. They needed to be at least two and maybe three for all of them. So they ordered Checo's tequila, Val and Kimi's vodka and the others' drinks.

The Mexican driver then got up and went to put some music like they always do. He connected his phone to some speakers and put his playlist. Sergio took a few requests. Lando gave unsurprisingly "Friday", Carlos gave "Smooth operator" and Max and Charles proposed "Life is a highway".

The two waiters had come back to order their meals. They all took note of what they wanted. They left again and left the drivers talk alone. A waiter came back with the bad idea of giving them a refill of alcohol. Especially for the kids.

They were all laughing, talking and joking when the meals arrived. It calmed a bit when they started eating but not for long. It was even more chaotic in the middle. But at the end of the table Seb was talking calmly to not be heard of the others.

"- When are you going to tell us? he asked Nico and Lewis.

- What do you mean? the Brit asked. Tell you what?

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