23) love is in the air

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Sorry guys it's a short chapter the next one will be better

                                                                         *real life*
Carlos was entering the taxi he called from the airport. He sat silently and stayed on his phone. The driver had stopped to Carlos' demand. He got up and bought a small bouquet. He got back into the car and they left again. The taxi finally arrived at destination and Carlos paid him. The Spaniard then got up in the streets of Monte Carlo. He walked the few meters that was left to the building's door. He entered and took the lift. He arrived in front of the door number 4 on the top floor. He rang the door bell.

"- Coming! Lando had yelled. Relax mate, he said as he heard the bell rang for a second time thinking it was his friend.

- Cariño. It's me.

He then heard a loud sprint through the whole flat. Carlos was smiling hearing his Lando probably running to clean things a bit. The Brit finally opened. He was in joggers and was wearing a Ferrari jumper with a big 55.

- Carlos! he hugged him. Sorry I thought it was Max. Why are you here? I thought you were going to join me directly in Japan.

- I wanted to make you a surprise. So I thought that I could join you here and that we could leave together from Monaco to Japan.

Lando then closed the door and kissed his boyfriend while hugging him tightly. They stayed like that for a few minutes before they detached themselves. Carlos took off his shoes and came into the living area. He walked holding Lando's hand.

- What do you wanna do? Lando asked.

- Well I was thinking of the beach we could go hang out there. And then in the evening I'd maybe take you to dinner...

Lando started smiling like a kid and hugged Carlos.

- We could make it a date!

- Obviously, Carlos said with a smile."

They hung out a bit together on the couch cuddling before getting ready for the beach. Hey then got out of Lando's flat and walked to the beach. They walked on the hot sand for a while before settling down. They sat down together in a secluded spot on the sand. They had brung two towels. They put them on the floor and snuggled up together for a while. They simply stayed there under the warm sun.

That was before Lando had the great idea to go in the water. He forced Carlos to follow him. Even if they didn't have swim suits. Lando ran up to the sea holding Carlos' hand. They were running around in the water and splashing each others. At some point Lando simply ran up to Carlos and jumped in his arms, almost falling. The couple laughed and talked all after noon at the beach before going back home.


Max was getting out of his flat and locking up the door. He went down the stairs and got to his car. He was going to the bakery to get some croissants and a baguette with cheese. He was going for a calm night between the two race weekends. So he opted for a simple meal. A baguette, some cheese, some vegetables. And probably a small glass of wine.

He was driving and he finally arrived at the bakery. He got out of his car and went inside. When he entered he saw a familiar face. He went to the counter to order his things and he then turned up to the person he recognised.

"- Hey Charles what's up? he asked smiling.

- Oh hey Max, Charles said with a smile. I was just ordering some croissant and chocolatines. You?

- I was ordering some croissants to and a baguette to eat with some cheese and vegetables.

- Nice. I don't even know what to eat tonight.

- You could cook something simple. Like some sandwiches.

- I can't even make pasta...

- Wanna come eat at my place? Max asked hoping for a yes.

- Oh yeah thanks! That would be really nice.

- I even have a bottle of wine so we can have a glass.

- Ok now I'm even more convinced, Charles answered smiling.

- Do you want to come with me right now? I only have to buy some cheese.

- Why not."

Charles then went to pay his croissants and waited for Max to pay his food. The two drivers then left the bakery. They found the Dutchman's car and got in it. They went to buy the last few things.

The two boys had finally arrived at Max's place. They entered the place and took off their shoes. Charles directly went to the kitchen, perfectly knowing the path. Max went to the living room to put some music on the tv. "Life is a highway" started playing. Charles laughed hearing it. Knowing the movie where it was from.

Max came to the kitchen to help Charles set up everything. They had poured some wine in two glasses and settled the cheese and vegetables on plates. They cut the baguette and put it in a bowl. They went to the living room. Charles had positioned the food on the table. They started eating and talking about anything that came to their minds. It went from racing to food and finally the next party coming up.

" - Hey do you remember who's going to sleep there? Charles asked.

- Yeah. Liam, Pierre, Oscar, Logan, me and you.

- So the rooms are probably gonna be Pierre and Yuki, Logan and Oscar, Liam and you and I in the last.

- Yeah... Max had said it more quietly.

- What? I'd understand if you wouldn't want to share a room with me. We're not that much close and we always get into arguments.

- I agree we're kinda often in arguments and we don't always agree.

- Are you comfortable sharing with me?

- Yeah... he still wasn't sure if what he was feeling towards him.

Charles had sighed a bit. He knew he had to ask his question. They needed to clarify some things. Well he had to get things cleared up. He didn't know what he was feeling anymore.

- Do you think we're enemies in every universe? Charles asked looking in Max's eyes.

They were both silent now. The music was now far behind and the two boys were in their world. Max couldn't believe what he had heard. He thought they were friends. Charles thought he was absolutely stupid to say that. Even if it was the truth. They were rivals since their childhood. Became enemy as teens. Hated each other as young adults.

And mostly liked each others as adults.

- No. Not in this one.

No loved each others. They loved the other.

- You really think so?

- Yeah. We wouldn't have went out together with the others. We wouldn't gossip and match the others. You wouldn't be in my living room right now, Max was now smiling.

- And we wouldn't share a room at Yuki's party, he was smiling to.

Charles got closer and hugged him. Hugged him very much and with all the affection he had developed for the Dutchman. He showed him a small part of all the love he had for him in his heart in the hug. Max was surprised at first but had returned the hug. He loved it.

Correction him*

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