19) Text shenanigans

848 29 4

Post dinner morning


Little lion 🦁: hey guys how are you

Milk boy: good but tired

Kiwi 🥝: I had fun thanks for inviting me

Gridmum: you're welcome ☺️

Banana: it was nice
and thanks for the pic Max

Tripod: what pic?

Master chef: oh you took pictures
let us see!

Little lion 🦁: 😂

Tripod: ??

Sir Lewis: omg what did you do again 🤦🏾‍♂️

Banana: nothing 😇

Little lion 🦁: exactly 😇

Sir Lewis: is it THAT

Banana: maybe

Sir Lewis: omg

Master chef: What pic did you take!!

Banana: none!

Tripod: but you just said

Little lion 🦁: just forget it
Does anyone have any videos of yesterday

Facts: I do
*insert video*

Albono: *insert video*

Estie bestie: hey could you please send me the one with only mick and lance

Facts: yeah...

Albono: why do you want them?

Estie bestie: because they're nice and I like them                                                        they dance really well you know 

Lancelot: thanks Estie 😁

Golden retriever: you also dance well Estie ☺️

Banana: they are so gay

Tripod: and you aren't?

Banana: uh

Tripod: uh What

Little lion 🦁: don't force him to come out
If he's actually gay

Banana: thanks

Debris: I'm more surprised everyday by them

Fashion icon: yeah I can't follow too

Kiwi 🥝: wait wait I thought they hated each other

Honey badger: They did just a few months ago
But then something that we will never know happened and they started being civil Even if they still argue some time to times

Milk boy: they're not friends tho (what they say) they just gossip

Little lion 🦁: and match you guys togethers

Banana: and we already know who's next

Little lion 🦁: and you're gonna see at least one of them specifically thats gonna ask who is it

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