26) simp

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                                              Private chat between Pierre and Charles

Fake French: hey Pierre

Pierrot: Salut Charles hi

Fake French: do you remember the last party in Japan?

Pierrot: Yeah why?
Oh wait! is it about Max??

Fake French: yeah

Pierrot: did you do anything

Fake French: yes!
We kissed... 🥹

Pierrot: omg finally!
How did it went

Fake French: well when we danced I confessed to him in Italian so he wouldn't understand
After we talked with all of you for a while and finally sat down together in the kitchen. We were really close and I think we almost kissed there so I told him to follow me upstairs

Pierrot: sooooo did you kiss? did you cuddle?

Fake French: we kissed!!
After that we went back downstairs and when we went to bed we cuddled

Pierrot: Oh mon dieu! Are you together now?? Oh my god

Fake French: no
There wasn't anything after that

                                              Private chat between Max and Charles

Charles: Hey Maxie was wondering something

Max: what is it

Charles: should we tell people I know we're not together or anything but I already told Pierre we kissed at the party

Max: uh honestly I don't know I think we shouldn't tell them before we know everything

Charles: ok I won't tell him more ❤️

Max: ❤️
Oh wait

*Max changed Charles to Charlie*
*Charles changed Max to Maxie*

                                              Private chat between Pierre and Charles

Pierrot: Oh will you try another move?
Or to get with him

Fake French: I don't think so I think it was more of a one time thing at the party

Pierrot: What no!

Fake French: it is what it is
Even if he's sooo nice

Pierrot: omg simp 😂

Fake French: What no Its just have you seen him

Pierrot: oh no don't tell me you're gonna start rambling about him

Fake French: What are you going to do about anyway

Pierrot: Nothing...

Fake French: exactly
But seriously have you seen his eyes they're so pretty and imagine he loves me back and we can be together
like wouldn't we adorable?!

Pierrot: Yes Charles you would...

Fake French: I know right? Oh and he's soooo pretty to

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