25) I dont want to be friends anymore

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                                                                        *real life*
The time that passed between the kitchen to the room seemed like eternity to Max. He followed Charles really closely. When the monegasque opened the door, the Dutchman directly sat on the bed. Charles came beside him after closing the door. Max got closer to him again like when they were in the chair in the kitchen. He leaned back to him. Charles was looking at him smiling not knowing too much what to do.

Max couldn't bare the space anymore and needed to see that Charles really loved him back.
He then cupped chalres' cheeks with his hands softly. Charles closed his eyes and let Max. The Dutchman finally kissed him softly. Max had closed his own eyes. He continued kissing him until they were out of breath. They both looked at each other smiling and blushing. Max had let his hands down Charles' face and was simply hugging him. The monégasque had leaned in and kissed him again. They smiled at each other.

"- Do you want to go back? Max had asked. It's not too late.

- Yeah we can if you want, Charles answered smiling at him. And we'll come here if we're tired.

- Shall we go? he offered his hand."

As an answer Charles had took his hand and opened that door. They went down the stairs and got into the living area. Charles went to the kitchen to grab a snack. Max directly sat down in the living room. It was now full since everyone came near the couch.

Charles came back from the kitchen and didn't know where to go. He went to Pierre not seeing any places. He searched for a somewhere to sit. Lando and Carlos who were beside him were also searching for him.

"- Wait I could try to fit a chair from the kitchen in here, Charles proposed.

- oh yeah we could make spa- Pierre was cut off by a voice at the other side.

- Charlie I have space from you here!

Said Charlie raised his head and smiled. He said sorry to the boys and went to see Max.

- Hi

- Hi

The monégasque sat down next to his friend/lover? and smiled at him. The Dutchman smiled back at him. Since there wasn't much place the two boys were squeezed together. Their legs were a bit intertwined. And Charles' ones were on top. Pierre all the other way of the room didn't know what was going on. He sighed at them. He just wanted them to kiss and shut up.

- So Charlie uh? Pierre asked speaking loud enough to be heard.

- Yeah. What about it? Charles answered

- Since when do you actually use that nickname?

- Not long, Max answered.

- Si what now Charles, do you call Max "Maxie"?

- Maxie? Lando asked not understanding the situation.

- I'll show you later, Pierre had told him. Soo? Do you?

- Sometimes yeah. Why do you wanna know that?

- Oh you know just for fun.

Charles looked a bit suspicious but turned around to talk to Max, Seb and Daniel that was next to him.

- You know boys if you want to tell us something we're going to accept it whatever you tell us. We're still going to love you when you'll tell us, Seb said like the father he was to them.

- Well thank you Seb but there's nothing, Max said.

Even if he was okay not telling anyone anything, Charles was still a bit sad he couldn't tell anyone that he loved Max. He simply brushed his hand on Max's. It made the Dutchman blushed a bit. He hid his head in arms to not show anyone.

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