15) Good morning

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        *real life*
Morning after

Max woke up with a headache. He tried to move but couldn't. He was blocked by something or more someone. He opened his eyes and was shocked. He backed out, well tried to. He couldn't believe himself and was wondering how the fuck did he slept with Charles Leclerc. His long time and biggest rival.

He tried to sit on the bed. He then took his phone to see the time. 11:39. He then saw something even more surprising on the screen. Something more surprising than the literal fact that he slept with Charles. He was wearing a Ferrari jumper. With a big 16 on it.

He didn't really remember anything from last night and he was really tired. Charles finally started waking up and had a jump scare seeing who was with him.

"- Could I know what you are doing here? Charles asked tiredly but still shocked.

- Sorry I can't answer that. How bout we go take some coffee and see how's Daniel?

- Yeah."

Max got out of the room to see a tired Daniel sat on the couch watching tv.

"- Hey mate, he was a bit more awake than Max. Wait why are you getting out of Charles' room, he was getting suspicious.

- I don't know mate.

- So you also don't know why you have a Charles Leclerc jumper?

- Ehhhhh, Max was now looking down at his chest and was blushing a bit. I- ehh. Don't know"

Charles finally got out of his room and came into the living area. He went to eat beakfast. Max joined him and sat down. Charles was making toast and getting out stuff. Daniel also came by. He served himself some coffee and a cup to both number 16 and 33. Daniel and Max were drinking together in silence when Charles went to the bathroom and came back with pills. The Aussie and Dutchman smiled.

"- Thanks mate.

- Yeah thanks. But hey Charles, why is Max wearing a Ferrari jumper and got out of your room earlier?

- Ehhhhh, the monégasque looked down at his feet and was starting blushing a bit. I- hmm. Good question?

- So you don't- Daniel was cut off by their three phones ringing."


Gridmum: hey Lando, Carlos, Oscar, Daniel, Max and Charles are you guys awake and okay

Milk boy: noooo I'm sick 🤒

Honey badger: I drank waaayyy too much

Pastry 🥐: I'm ok I guess

Gridmum: Did you watch them

Pastry 🥐: Yep

Chilli 🌶️: Do you guys remember anything? Cause I don't

Honey badger: Not really but I do remember Max being jealous 😏

Albono: ooooooh

Little lion 🦁: HEY I was not! 😠

Chilli 🌶️: Yes! You were

Pastry 🥐: I do remember that

Golden retriever: jealous of who

Banana: Guys... he was not and you know it

Little lion 🦁: See!

Estie bestie: 😏 I can see it now

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