16) Bad idea

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Between Hungary and Spa
                                                           Twitch quartet

Milkboy: hey guys wanna do something us four

Albono: like as the quartet

Banana: oohh I like the idea

Facts: could we include max

Banana: No.

Milk boy: Why not we didn't hear from you two all day last time cause you hung out

Banana: Maybe cause we were busy doing our things on our own side?

Albono: Sure bout that mate

Banana: yes I am

Milkboy: just texted Max
He said they didn't do anything and that he left soon after Daniel

Banana: see now leave me alone we're not friends and will never be

private chat between Max and Charles

Charles: thanks

Max: for what

Banana: when Lando texted you

Max: oh yeah that

Charles: I told them we're not friends and will never be

Max: right

Charles: what?

Max: no nothing it's right we're not friends we just hang out and gossip on others

Charles: what is it just say it
You want us to be friends?

Max: hm well we slept together while drunk we played fifa together and we gossip

Charles: ok then
Wanna come install my new simulator when it arrives

Max: ok

                                                                    Twitch quartet

Facts: so what do we do

Albono: wait where are you guys?

Milk boy: Bristol with my parents

Facts: London

Albono: ok so we're all in England

Banana: ehh not me

Milk boy: could you fly over
If you want of course

Banana: I could fly over tomorrow and I'd join you

Albono: yeah and we could go at the beach or something like that

Facts: we'll see tomorrow

Banana: see you there

              *real life*
Charles was now getting in the plane and was waiting for it to start the flight. He was going to London to go see the rest of the twitch quartet. He didn't know what they would do yet. But Alex mentioned the beach so they're probably gonna go there.

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