20) Trip to france

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Monday morning after Monza
               *real life*

Pierre was getting out of his hotel room with his suitcase. He took the lift and went to Charles' room and Yuki's room. He knocked on the monégasque's door. Charles answered and got out with his suitcase. The two boys then went to search Yuki. The three of them were taking the same jet. Pierre and Yuki were dropping off Charles at Nice and would head to the northern France.

They were calmly chatting while walking to the number 22's room. Pierre knocked on the door. When Yuki answered, Charles could see Pierre's cheeks literally flushing. His smile also got way wider. Charles chuckled seeing his best friend completely in love with his ex teammate. He always knew that but now he had the confirmation. While the two others greeted each other, Charles took a few seconds to text Max a "we knew it I just saw Pierre more blushing then never for simply seeing Yuki". And the Dutch man simply replied with a laughing emoji.

The three boys went back to the lift. They were talking to each other and arrived at the lobby. They called a cab to the airport. When the three boys arrived they went directly to the VIP section. They registered their luggage and went to their jet.

The drivers went to the waiting area and waited a while for their jet to be ready. All three of them were still a bit tired of their weekend. It was still early in the morning so Charles got up to go buy some chocolatines and croissants at the small bakery. Hen he came back, he walked in on a little and tired Yuki asleep on Pierre's shoulder. The Frenchman was barely breathing since he didn't want to wake his "friend" up. Charles arrived near them and gave Pierre some food. When the number 10 saw him he blushed from embarrassment.

It was finally the time to board the plane so the three friends took their small bags and went to the jet. They got seated and Charles was one side. Yuki was on the other one on the window seat as well as Pierre beside him. The Japanese quickly fell back asleep on Pierre's shoulder. But the Frenchman wasn't complaining at all. He loved to be next to Yuki. And especially when they were cuddling or being really close.

Pierre wasn't looking in front of him and was putting his jacket on his ex teammate to cover him up. What he didn't know was that Charles took that as an opportunity to take a little pic.
He chuckled to himself seeing his best friend so in love.

"- When are you gonna make a move? Charles asked Pierre.

- What!? Pierre had whisper shouted with wide eyes. Do you seriously think I love him?

- Yeah. Everyone does.

- Well uh. I don't really well uh I don't know I- don't think so, he started stuttering. In fact I- I'm not sure mate.

- I can see that, Charles said laughing a bit.

Pierre rolled his eyes. At the same time Yuki started waking up a bit. And Pierre didn't want him to understand the conversation. So he simply began to play with his friend's hair to make him more sleepy again. But to be sure he continued in French.

- Ferme la. Je suis pas sûr ok. Et de toute façon il ne m'aime pas, Pierre said with sad smile. Shut up. I'm not sure ok. And anyway he doesn't love me.

- Mais nan. J'en peut plus de toi, Charles sighed a bit. Nah seriously. I can't with you. Comment tu peux être autant aveugle?! C'est pas possible! How can you be so blind!? It's not possible!

- Mais je te le dis il ne m'aime pas. Je ne vois rien qui pourrait prouver qu'il m'aime. But I'm telling you that he doesn't love me. I can't see anything that could prove that he loves me.

- Tu blagues la j'espère? Ok alors la premièrement, il te regarde toujours avec de l'admiration, il veut toujours ton approbation et se fit sur toi. Deuxièmement, il se colle toujours à toi. Ah et finalement il t'aime et adore ta compagnie. You're joking right? Ok so firstly, he always looks at you with admiration, he always wants your approval and he relies on you. Secondly, he's always touching you. Oh and finally he loves you and adore your company.

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