8) party

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                                                                 *real life*
                                                                    *before the party*

Max was on his couch listening to tv when he heard a knock on his door. He got up and greeted Charles. It was weird for them to see each other like that since they weren't even friends and barely civil with each other.

Charles entered Max' appartement and took off his shoes. He followed Max into the rest of the flat. They went into the living room to start decorating. The two boys start putting up decorations but aren't very happy of how the other is doing. And they're not being kind while telling the other off. They still don't like each other. They were on the verge of starting an argument and it was barely 11 am.

"- Oh shut up Max don't look at me like I'm an idiot I know how to put stupid decorations unlike you.

- You got to be kidding you can't fucking do anything, Max provoked.

- Oh fuck off Max!

- Oh yeah?! Stomme lul! Dumb fuck

- Thats it I'm leaving! Charles yelled.

- Where? We need to finish this.

- In the kitchen débile stupid

Charles went to the kitchen to angry to stay with Max. Maybe they couldn't be civil or even more. Like friends. Charles was a bit sad tho, I wouldn't have mind being friends with him. But sometimes his anger issues were too much for him.

Charles started taking the snacks for the night and putting them into bowls. He had bowls full of crisps, sweets and was now preparing the starters.

After a good half hour, he saw the time and went to see if Max was hungry. He was, so they called Uber eats.

They ate and finished preparing the party, so Charles left to get ready.

                                                                     *real life*
                                                                       *at the party*

It was now 17h30 and Charles was ready to go back to Max. He left and locked the door.
While walking to Max's flat he saw Lando and Carlos so he went with them.

They arrived and they were the first to come. Max wasn't even ready, so he told them to go to the living room.

They got seated and started talking. The boys were also accompanied by Jimmy and Sassy that cuddled them. After a while they got joined by Max and were waiting for the others.
They finally heard a knock on the door and went to see who it was. It was Pierre, Yuki, Esteban, Mick and Lance. Max let them in. Since there was finally a minimum of people, the redbull driver decided to start bringing food and putting music.

Some of the drivers went to eat a bit of snacks and some started dancing. A bit later the rest of the drivers all arrived and Max's flat was full of people and the party was going strong. They drank, a lot, ate, danced and had fun.

At some point, Max returned to the kitchen to put more foods in the bowls and to call the pizza. Charles followed him. Max was wondering why because the last time they talked they weren't really on a good mood.

"- What is it? Max asked. Want another drink?

- No thanks. Hey have you seen Alex and George? Charles said with a smile. They were really close and always whispering in each other's ears.

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