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"Melissa could you stay for a moment" Blake asked before she could leave with the rest, she hesitated at first but she stayed.

Blake gave a glance to Vanessa indicating her to leave "She isn't going to snitch" Logan defended her it's always like this when it comes to her "No no, it's okay, I still have things to do, I will see you later" Vanessa stood up and kissed Logan cheek and left not before giving Blake a nasty look which he did back.

Blake is not really fond of Vanessa the pair always hated each other, Logan knows but he doesn't give so much importance to that and Blake doesn't have a problem showing it, not only with Vanessa but with other girls too.

He always have to piss of someone especially boys, most of the time he's in a fights and not every time he wins, he can let people love him then hate him in just a few seconds.

For all I know he never had a girlfriend just casual flings, he hasn't found the right one yet, people always assumed he's a player or a fuck boy but that not it, yes he had his few share of girls and appreciate their beauty but he knows when it's enough, if he doesn't have a girl he don't make a deal about it because he simply doesn't care, the right one will come sooner or later.

"What do you guys want" Meli asked annoyed, she can feel that we are about to ask her a favor and probably regretting that she stayed.

"We need your help with Jude" Blake say and she rolled her eyes. "No, I'm tired with this shit, you guys obsession over Jude need to stop, have you guys seen him he looks like a pulp, they are looking who is responsible for his state, I don't want to get involved".

That caught my attention, I haven't seen Jude since the party and by the way Mellissa talks about his state I can only imagine I did some serious wounds, the motherfucker deserved it though.

From the first moment I saw him I never sympathized with him, he doesn't really have a good reputation around the academy but I'm not someone who judge by what others say so I didn't give so much importance.

He wasn't really popular and he didn't have many friends either he was like the weird kid everyone has encountered before, he would sit down and stare at you or asks some uncomfortable questions, some of the girls labeled him as a creep, the only thing he was known for was about his drugs and no one knows where he gets them.

He had many customers before but that changed when he started shorting people and demanding more money which lead many to Logan and for some jealousy issues he stole the drugs from him.

Another thing that people hate about him is that episode that happened with Leila.

Leila was a normal girl who didn't cause any problem or unnecessary drama, what people didn't know though is that she was a drug addict, people didn't seem to care at first but afterwards we started to notice her state had worsened, obviously the people who sold drugs stopped giving her things just not to get in trouble for the unthinkable.

Jude didn't, he didn't seem to care about Leila's state, she had the money and when she didn't she would willingly do anything to get some pills, (if you know what I mean), and Jude obviously took advantage of that.

When her friends knew what she would do to get some happy pills they tried to talk to Jude but without success, some days later Leila overdosed in her dorm.

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