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An hour had passed, the first period just finished and the professor left we were now waiting the next one to come in the meantime some groups were already forming, some students were on their phones others commenting todays lesson.

I didn't expect that the professor would not teach but he could have at least asked for our names or where we are from, instead he just spoke for the whole hour, my hand hurts from writing, he was too fast and god forbid if we ask him to repeat, he'll just ignore you and move on.

I don't consider my self as the smartest person but let just say I'm pretty good at studying, my lowest grade is B- and that happens when I don't study because I always listen to what the teacher says and I'm good at memorizing.

What I really dislike though, are people disturbing during class thinking it's cool, sometimes is okay to say some jokes but then those same people asks for your note because they were to busy being stupid, I always help someone who doesn't understand something, I know it's weird coming from me but I'm serious and that only involves a limited number of people.

I'm seated on the desk with my legs crossed listening to whatever Isabella and Eloise are complaining about I looked at the door because someone entered the classroom.

It is a guy and he doesn't really look good- he definitely doesn't look good, a black eye a busted lip with other wounds around his face everyone he's looking at him, some of the girls went to him to ask him what happened, he ignored them "isn't that Jude, the drug seller" I heard a girl say.

Wait what? Jude? Oh my god now I see it, he's so unrecognizable, everybody knows he doesn't have a good reputation because of the things he did last year but what the fuck did he do to end up like this. "Are you people done staring" he said and some started turning heads afraid he might get angry, yep that definitely Jude he has that nosy voice that everyone hates.

"Do you know what happened to him" I asked Isa "someone beat him up" that all she says and I gave her a look "yes Isa I reached that conclusion too, but I meant who did it".

"All I know it's that it happened at Logan's party last Friday" she says and I don't continue with the questions. Jude pissed off many people last year mainly Logan and Blake after he stole their drugs.

If I remember correctly Blake say that Jude was about to get what he deserves, did he meant this? even if it sounds strange coming from me I dislike violence, if you want to hurt someone it's better to use words, they inflict more pain trust me, especially if it comes from who you thought was you friend.

But Blake said that a day after the party so Jude was probably already with the wounds, I looked at his direction and only found him talking and laughing with Tommaso not caring what just happened, they're definitely responsible for it.

Like I said before Jude is disliked by many but this is too far, I jumped from the table and meet the pair of idiots who immediately stopped laughing when they saw me "what the fuck do you want now" Blake say, Tommaso remained silent just a pair of blue eyes staring at me "what did you guys do" all they do was giving each other glances and smirk, what's wrong with me by asking that foolish question, they definitely won't tell me shit I'm just wasting time.

"And since when does Miriam Laurent care about others" Red hair girl came out of nowhere, I turned my head and meet her "I'm sorry did anyone call you and besides what's your name I didn't catch it".

"That's because I didn't say it" at that I rolled my eyes, what a lame ass answer just tell me I'll eventually found out sooner or later no need to be mysterious.

"The fuck do you want Theresa" Tommaso asked, I mentally smirked, like I said before sooner or later "Well I just wanted to finally meet you the last time we saw each other you were busy fucking your ex or beating up people" she said and looked at his knuckles.

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