chapter four

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"Arya i swear to god" yasmina glares at me as i laugh about the yasmina gavira thing for the 100th time

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"Arya i swear to god" yasmina glares at me as i laugh about the yasmina gavira thing for the 100th time. I laugh even harder as she smacks my head annoyed.

She pulls out her phone and after a while she gasps.

"ARYA HE ASKED IF I WANTED TO COME TO HIS GAME TONIGHT" she screams as i gasp. She fangirls and i cheer for her fangirling and we finally chill.


Joaos pov

At training, before we go in me, pedri and gavi huddle up in a corner, looking at his phone.

"Yes ask her" pedri says. He sends the text asking this girl to come. He sighs in relief and turns his phone off as we go to the field.

As we do warm ups we talk about random stuff.

"Soo any girls in your life?" pedri smirks as he clings onto my arm. Pedris love language has to be physical touch bro because he always touches people- wait that sounds weird-

"No bro" i roll my eyes as he continues grinning

"Thats a yes" he grinns

"No it's a no" i roll my eyes

"Yes it's a yes" he giggles "just tell me about her"

"Uh what about you pedri? Which girl is with you?" i raise my brows changing the topic.

"I dont need a girl, im focusing on football" he says in a bragging tone

"Not a flex that you cant pull bro" i roll my eyes as i stretch my legs. We continue the football kinda training and then we all move on the the workout shit.

"so did you ask her to the game?" pedri groans as he does situps

"Yep" gavi smiles shyly as he does russian twists with weights.

"Oohlala" i laugh as i go on the bike. Me and pedri laugh as we look at him, making a heart with our hands.

"Uff shut upp" pablo rolls his eyes

"Pablitoe getting rizzzy- pabrizzloe" i laugh

"Deco please keep him" pedri says putting his hands together and closing his eyes. I laugh and then we continue talking.

"Ask her to be your girlfriend" i say to gavi

"What if she rejects me" he sighs

"She wont muchacho" pedri huffs

"You dont know that" pablo puts his hands up frustrated

"I do- the ladiess loovveeeee pablitoeee" pedri laughs. Even pablo starts laughing too and we continue talking and doing the workout.

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