chapter twenty eight

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next week

I lay in bed, her beautiful brown hair sprawled across my chest as we lay together. We're like this alot, but I love it.

"tomorrow is our 5 month anniversary" I say playing with her hair

"hmm" she says. These 5 months have been the best 5 months of my life. I honestly don't remember a time where I've been happier. 

I love her so much I think I'm going insane. I feel like a 13 year old boy, I'm obsessed. I wake up and I think about her. I go to sleep thinking about her. At training I wonder what we'll do after, while shes at shoots I wonder about her.

And these 5 months are months I've needed. Alot. I'm not going to blame everything on magui, but, her and moving to Athletico were two bad choices for me. And for about a year, I was in my personal hell.

I was losing friends, I was constantly mad for no reason, I had shit games and I was horrible. My relationship wasnt good too.


"amor lets go for dinner" I smile kissing her cheek.

"cant going to bar with friends" she says immediately moving.

"oh okay, whose coming?" I ask

"uh the guys and Rosa" she says. THe guys is about 5 guys and Rosa is a girl who sleeps at a different guys house every night.

"oh can I come? I'm not doing anything tonight" I say

"umm that's okay" she says "but you know I am out of money" she sighs coming closer to me.

"oh" I say as she puts her hand on my neck

"wonder what I'm gonna do" she says, fiddling with the chain around my neck

"hm" I say. Then, she kisses me. She hasn't kissed me in a while.

"nice abs" she grinns kissing my cheek

"heres my card" I say giving it to her "have fun meu amor"

"bye" she says leaving. Shes always complimenting my looks, not all my looks, my body and shit. I don't mind it obviously but, am I really just that?


"I love your laugh" Arya says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"huh?" I raise my brows

"you have a very pretty laugh" she says, continuing scrolling on TikTok. And I'm back to thinking. I don't think magui ever said that. I don't think anyone has said that to me.

Anyways, I was down bad for magui. But it was really one sided, and I later learned that she didn't deserve all the love I gave her.


I get a message from an unknown number. Its a video, and once I click on it I realise its magui. Magui and - doesn't even matter- magui is cheating again. 

I sigh and grab myself a drink before sitting outside by the fireplace on my patio.

What was I even expecting. Soon after she comes back, I don't think she wouldve come to me but the amount of alchohol I've had is most likely leaving a scent.

"Joao?" she asks coming outside

"Ms hat trick!" I gasp raising my brows "3rd time you've been caught"

"what" she says, shes absolutely horrible at lying. Or maybe I've learnt when to know if shes lying.

"Joao youre drunk I don't know what your talking about" she shakes her head.

"liar liar pants on fire! pants burnt off so quick you went out in your underwear!" I stand up and stumble to the bin. I accidentally drop the bottle of vodka on the ground instead of the bin.

She screams.

"calm down will you! be glad I haven't kicked you out of this house yet" I mutter picking up glass shards from the ground.

"Joao its - your foot!" she shrieks. I look down at my foot. Covered in blood. I don't know what the hell I think but I start laughing

"oopsiesss" I laugh pulling pieces out of my foot.

"joao I'm scared" she says backing away from me.

"magui. in these 4 years I have not once hit you, I've not once disrespected you, I've not once tried to do things to you in your sleep- all things you cant say!" I say 

I finish pulling out glass from my foot, I cant feel anything but I think I need to call an ambulance.

"what now" she says crying

"why are you crying!" I groan "j-joao I'm sowwy I cheated on you for the MILLIONTH TIME please forgive me I'll give you head!" I mock her

"I'm not doing this again magui" I mutter going to the bedroom.

"what are you-" she freezes as I put all her clothes, makeup, things, in a box.

"go stay with one of the 'guys'" I say throwing her things out the door.

"oh one more thing!" I gasp. I grab her phone and unlock it using her face id. I dial a number 

"hello, come pick magui up from my house please" I say before hanging up

"goodbye Magui!" I wave

"Joao your mad" she says

"do you want me to be happy? ooh yippeee lets have a threesome in that case!" I huff

"crazy bitch" I mutter calling the ambulence because the pain is starting to get to me. 


That's a night that I don't think about often. Try not to at least. 

"Joao" Arya says, turning the phone off and laying on top of me.

"hm?" I ask, intertwining our fingers

"I forgot what I was gonna say" she smiles laying back beside me. I chuckle and wrap my arms around her from behind.

"I love you" I kiss her cheek.

"I love you more" she smiles

"nao possive" I say tightening my grip on her and kissing her cheek a couple more times. She turns and makes me let her go. 

She smiles at me "you have such a cute smileee" she says "you look like a puppy" she smiles kissing my cheek.

"I got you something" she gets up to her desk

"what?" I widen my eyes as she comes back with a box

"I was at the shops before, and I thought you might like it" she says sitting beside me.

"I love it" I say grabbing her head and kissing it

"you haven't even opened it!" she laughs

"I already love it" I say opening the box. Its a ring. and around it is some writing. 'for my pretty boy- i love you'

I smile even wider, and put it on my finger.Im going to marry this girl.


chat my man is acting up and not playing roblx 😢
(he's asleep)

have a good day/night and don't forget to vote!



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