chapter six

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"Yeah so thats what happened" i sigh

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"Yeah so thats what happened" i sigh. I just sorta told pedri everything about adriano. He gives me a hug.

"Im so sorry arya" he says

"But im over it and all" i inhale pulling away "why were you telling joao to stop?"

"Oh just because like- i put things together, what yasmina said, what joao said about you in your sleep- and that animal wasnt understanding and he wasnt stopping so" he shrugs

"Thanks pedri- no i feel bad because, i took it too far with the ex girlfriend thing didnt i? I started it so i cant be sad about it i guess" i wince

"Yeah but you atleast said sorry, i was talking to joao after and- he wasnt being the most- cooparative" he sighs

"Thats fine- but- thanks for this pedri" i say.

"Anytime" he smiles "wanna watch a movie now?"

"Yeah" i smile. He hands me the remote and gets up to get a blanket. He comes back and sits beside me, putting it over us both.

I get a bit sleepy while we watch the movie.

"You can sleep on my shoulder if you want" he says. I smile as he smiles at me before looking back at the tv.

I cant help it, i rest my head on his shoulder and i feel him put his arm around me.


I wake up and the movie is finished. I open my eyes.

"If youre too tired to drive i have a guest room if you want" he stretches as he folds the blanket.

"Nah it's okay- thanks alot again pedri" i smile. We kiss each others cheeks before he waves me out the door.


Joaos pov


Ruben: yasmina told us you were maaadddd

Bernardo: yes tell us why

Joao: bro i hate her so much

Ruben: yasmina?

Joao: arya

Bernardo: wait do you mean arya oliviera? Arya oliviera barbas?

Joao: yes

Bernardo: how can you hate arya?

ruben: exactly

Joao: shes so annoying

Ruben: oh damn

Bernardo: im gonna snitch

joao: she already knows

Bernardo: oh- uh john stones is calling

Ruben: lmao alright

Joao: youre not mad at me right?

Ruben: depends what you said to her and how she feels about it. Aryas basically my little sister and as much as she annoys me by violating me, im gonna fight whoever hurts her.

So just saying joao

Seen by joao


Did i take it too far? I dont know- i mean she didnt have to bring up magui! It's not even a big deal why are they all being so dramatic?





Bluds acting like he didnt just violate a girl and then get lectured

Bro it's not a big deal

It is, she has shit going on you know? It's not cool to just make fun of it like that and compare whats shes going through to allowance



How do you know anyways?

Because she told me idiot


Becuase i invited her over

And why would you do that?

Because i have the human decency to help somebody joao, i was nice to her and she told me everything- and take it from me, it's more than an allowance cut.

You like her?

Youre so immature joao somethings up with you this year and ill figure it out soon



Oi you little he hay sports, wannabe, annoying, rude, i could go on but let me get to the point- if you dont shut the fuck up about arya i will actually bash you and you may think you can take me on but i will pull out your hair, punch you, slap you, burn you, anything- anyways shut up about shit you dont know about joao.


"Thats sweet right floki?" i chuckle petting him as i read that. I get off my phone and i put him on his leash for a walk. I think.

Hes right, ive not been myself for a while, ive been feeling like how i was at athletico. But it's not barcas fault, i dont know what it is. I think- i miss magui.

I was with her for - 4? New years. I wish i could just take her back but that wouldnt be fair. She cheated on me, the little rat cheated on me, broke my heart!

Great, i just reminded myself that i got cheated on! I sigh as i step out into the cold air. Maybe i was a little too harsh.

I dont know...


You asked for shorter chapters so here but like my chapters are always either too long or too short i need help. anyways sorry it took so long i forgot to post it help

Have a good day/night and dont forget to vote!



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