chapter five

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Aryas pov

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Aryas pov

I wake up in an unfamiliar bed, trying to put pieces of last night together.

I see my phone besid me. I pick it up and check my texts. Just yasmina.

My bae

Arya where are you?

Oh okay nvm gavi told me joao took you to his house

But still- text me or else im gonna bash that little he hey sports kid




I look down at my clothes, not my clothes- i see my dress folded on the edge of the bed. I pick it up, open the door and poke my head out.

I dont see anyone, however i panick and i run outside. My outfit is a bit silly, a hoodie, shorts and high heels.

In my hand im holding my dress and my phone. I quickly call yasmina and she comes to pick me up.

"Damn thats joaos house?" she looks at it while we drive off

"I dont even know" i say "i dont remember a thing"

"Im so sorry for letting you go i didnt even realise" she says

(hey yasmina so i know you wouldnt be happy with
yourself rn but like it's for the story soo)

"No it's okay- i - me and adriano- broke up. I was drinking more than i shouldve" i sigh

"Oh" she says. Suddenly the night comes back to me.

"Nothing bad happened with joao- i remember now" i sigh

"Okay good" she says. We talk in the car and then get home.

"Yasmina you know that guy on the portugal trip?" i scratch my head as we get into the place.

"Yeah?" she says

"That was joao- like joao felix joao" i say and she gasps.

"I SHIP EVEN MORE NOW" she screams as i chuckle. I kinda like his hoodie, it's nice- so i dont change and i put on my own shorts since these are almost falling off me.

"Are you all packed?" i ask her

"Yeahh" she nods "the flight might be in like 3 days but gotta be ready"

"Excited for italy?" i chuckle. Shes going to italy for her dads birthday, italy is where her parents live now- when she was younger she would move alot between italy and spain.

I grew up in portugal, moved here to spain when i turned 18 and i met yasmina as soon as i came. And we've been best friends since.

"Im gonna go for a walk" i say stretching

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