Chapter 13 Damaged field

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"Ava stop knocking." Will groans in a sleepy voice, waking me up.

"I am not knocking." I respond while I yawn.

I sit up from my bed and take my phone out, looking at the time.

Its 6am in the morning, school begins at 8am and we all usually wake up at 7am so its still early. I look over to Will whos having three pillows hiding his face. One is covering his left ear, one his right ear and one is covering his face.

"I think Someone from outside knocked." I tiredly tell him as I stand up from my bed.

He suddenly jumps up from the bed making me jump up. "Dude don't scare me like that." I tell him terrified.

He hides behind my back holding both of my shoulder.

"What if it is a alien?" He panicky says.

I turn to him giving him a 'are you serious' glare.

"Just go back to sleep, i'll go see who's knocking like that." I tell him walking towards the door as he shouts after me.

"NO AVA, DONT LEAVE ME ALONE IN HERE." He follows me as I roll my eyes at him and open the door.

I walk towards the small hallway that's between the front door and the living room.

I spot Kai and Chase also coming out of their room rubbing their eyes and looking extremely tired.

"What the fuck is this knocking?" Chase questions annoyed and i just shrug in response.

We hear a knock again and realize that it's coming from the front door.

Chase walks towards the front door but before he could open it, Will stops him by calling him. "Don't open it! It's probably a trap!" He whispers scared.

Chase rolls his eyes annoyed at him and opens the door.

Mr. Miller the tiny little man appears.

"Mr. Smurf?" Will question confusedly. "I- i mean Mr. Miller. Haha, what are you doing here?" He nervously corrected himself after realizing he just called Mr. Miller Mr. Smurf.

Mr. Smurf gives him a death glare before speaking up. "Will Parker, Chase Conway and Kai Young, your coach is expecting you in 15 minutes at the field."

Luckily this time Kilian did not slept at our dorm room, otherwise little man over there would be exploding out of angriness.

"Why-" Kai wanted to question but the little man leaves without any explanation.

Chase Will and Kai look at each other confused before both Chase and Kai turn to Will to give him a deadly glare.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" Will asks confused.

"Have you done something?" Kai questions warningly at Will.

"W-What? No of course not. Why do you two and Kilian always think it's my fault??!" He throws his arms desperately in the air.

I yawn. "Whatever. You guys go do your things and i go back to sleep." I tell them in a bragging voice, smiling before i leave to my bedroom.

I can practically smell their mad pissed looks at me as soon as i left to my bedroom.

I lay down on my bed cuddle with my pillow and cover myself before my eyes turn shut, trying to get back to my great dream about Aaron warner again.



As soon as Ava left to her room Kai, Will and i make our self ready.

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