chapter 9

650 18 2

Hope pov

It's been raining all fucking week and it's really bad today so the professors didn't want us to go to class which it a good thing since I can tease Josie all day now.

I gently opened the door to Josie’s room as I slipped inside and I went to her bed and saw she didn't have a shirt on, which that's the norm. I got on her lap as I started to poke her face.

She gently slapped my hand as she tried to move her body. I grab her shoulders to make her stop moving.

"Mm Hope stop" she whispered as she opened her eyes and I smiled at her "oh come on baby you know you love it" I said.

She rolled her eyes not slightly nodded and she grabbed my hips "mm there is no school so I can tease you all I want" I said as I poke her nose she nodded again and rubbed her eyes.

"Okay but can you get up or are we going to stay in bed?" She asked and I shrugged.

"I don't care but as long as I can feel your hard cock against me" I said and she blushed as she looked away from me and nodded. I smirk and I lay down on her.

I slowly move my hips when Josie grip my hips harder "fuck" she whispered I sat up again I felt her cock hard but it felt more more there like nothing is covering it I saw Josie close her eyes.

I slowly took off the blanket and I lift myself up and saw her cock lift up in the blanket I smirk it's like what happened in my dream last night fuck it's going to happen finally.

I can still remember the dream, her hands around me, her cock deep in me, the pleasure, her controlling me, but fuck when I woke up I was all wet and needy.

I got the blanket down to her stomach. I was so close until she grabbed my hands and I looked at her "I'm sorry for stopping you but I don't have any boxers" . She said her face was still red.

I roll my eyes "and? So what it's not look I never saw a cock before" I said she still kept a grip on my hands and she pouted.

Fuck her stupid cute pout

I rolled my eyes as I let go of the blanket "fine whatever but you know I was going to do this not didn't you put on boxers?" I asked and she sighed.

"I forgot okay I was too busy… doing something" she said and I rolled my eyes "just say you were jerking off" I said.

"Shut up" she pouted. I looked down and saw her cock poking more and it looked long and massive under the blanket "can I touch it?" I asked, not looking at her.

"Yes but be gentle" she said and without hesitating I grab it gently and fuck it felt massive and long I slowly jerk it off as she moaned.

"Mm why are you so embarrassed by it you should be glad" I said as I looked at her.

"I'm not but it's just you know" she said and I rolled my eyes "it's not small plus I always been a size queen" I said as I wink at her.

She chuckles "thanks but still I don't have any condoms if we take it a step farther" she said.

"You need condoms for a blow job really" I said and we both laughed "come on let's get up I'm hangry" she said and I got off her lap she stayed there and I still looked at her confused until I got it.

I cross my arms and smirk "you know I won't leave unless you give me something" I said and she sighed "what?"

I pause as I didn't think it through "ummm… well I want" fuck.

"Nevermind" I said as I left the room I let out a little sigh and I went back into my room.

Fuck why didn't I think of anything but damn I knew Josie was big but I didn't think she was that big

Sorry I haven't been posting too much on this but hope you guys like this chapter

Bye 👋

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