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When they got home, Jungkook dragged Tae to the sofa. He sat down and placed his husband on his lap. He held him tight for a few minutes before speaking up. "I'm sorry, my love. I should have never told you I want to get to know Jin."

Tae was shocked. He could've sworn that Jungkook seemed really happy tonight. His eyes sparkled when he found out all the food was cooked by Jin. He couldn't stop giving them his bunny smile tonight, which is Tae's favourite look on him. "Why? What happened, Kookie? Did someone say something? You seemed really happy, baby. What changed?" Tae wanted to know, desperately. He didn't want to get his hopes high yet.

"Before I tell you anything, why don't you go first. How was it for you, love? Be honest." Now Tae felt like this was a trap. It was easier if he knew what Kookie wanted. That way, he could focus on giving it to him. But what if he told Kook what he wanted and Kook gave up on them? "It was okay Kookie, do you want us to ask Namjoon to join us this weekend? Or do you want it to be just us?" Now Jungkook was sure that his suspicion was right. "Do you want him to join us, Tae? It's your day, after all." He countered.

Fuck! Tae was doomed. Why was his baby not just answering him. He decided to stay quiet. "I'm really sad because I realised that you seemed so uncomfortable today. And not even once did you say anything. It became so apparent when Jin brought a cake full of strawberries on top, and you did not even react. Am I such a bad husband that you didn't feel like you could be honest with me, Tae?"  Jungkook asked. The look on his face sent Tae into a crying fit. "I'm sorry, Kookie. I really wanted to go and try for you. But I just felt out of place there. They were really nice to me, so it's not their fault. I just need to try harder." Tae stated.

He hated that he made Kook doubt himself. He hated that he let his discomfort show. "I promise that I want to keep trying. For you and me. I promise to tell you if something bothers me. Can I ask for something?" Tae asked. All Jungkook could do was nod. He needed Tae to open up to him. "When it gets to the point where you realize you really want to take the next step with them, will you please tell me first? I promise to be honest from now on, and for me, I know I still need time to get to know them. But I will try. So, if you get to that point before me, please tell me first?"

Jungkook turned Tae's head towards himself and kissed him. It was a soft kiss meant to give him comfort. It was Jungkook's way of reminding Tae that he loved him. "I love you, Tae. I would never consider taking a further step with them before talking to you. Until we both decide to join that relationship, you come first. So tell me, baby, what did you want to do this weekend?" Jungkook asked. He was rubbing circles on Tae's back.

"I was really looking forward to spending the weekend with you. It's been a while since we spent time together alone. But I was thinking, can we take time off next week instead. Just for two days and maybe we can go to the beach? That way, I won't disappoint Namjoon this weekend." Kook could see that Tae was really trying. He wanted to do the same for him. "Instead of next week, why don't we take tomorrow and Friday off. That way, we can hang out with Namjoon on Saturday?" Jungkook suggested.

Tae's face immediately lit up, and Jungkook could have never been happier.

The next morning, Jungkook had called Mingyu and informed him that he wouldn't be in the office till the next week on Monday. He had then texted Jin to ask for Namjoon's number and informed him he was welcome to join them on Saturday.

He had made breakfast for Tae, his favourite pancakes and hot chocolate, before they settled in the living room. They were now cuddled up on the sofa with a movie playing. 

They spent two days at home watching movies and making love.


Saturday came soon. Namjoon had texted Kook and informed him that he would pick them up. Kook had promised himself that today he would make sure that Tae is comfortable. Tae came out wearing a white shirt and black slacks. He always looked good in whatever he wore. Jungkook approached him and pecked his lips. "My baby looks really beautiful today." Tae's cheeks turned a dark shade of red. He was saved from the teasing when Jungkook's ringtone blared. It was Namjoon.

They left the building to meet him at the parking lot. Namjoon was leaning on a black Jeep, and Jungkook couldn't tear his eyes off of the man standing there waiting for them. How can someone look this hot? Taehyung, on the other hand, had mixed feelings. Namjoon was really handsome, and it was quite obvious they had things in common. He loved that he could finally talk to someone about art without boring them. But seeing the Jeep, he doubted if he was good enough for these guys. Including Kookie. He was forcing Kookie to leave in a substandard apartment when he could afford a penthouse. It seemed like he would fit right in with Jin's boyfriends.

"Wow, Jin wasn't kidding when he said you guys look even better when standing next to each other." Namjoon said. Tae and Kook were full on blushing. They were still holding hands, and Namjoon found them absolutely adorable. "Come on, cuties, let's get going."

They got into Namjoon's car and left. "Tae, did you have a place in mind? Or do you want us to consult some agents?" It was Jungkook who asked. Tae felt ashamed because he was supposed to look up places the day before, but he forgot about it. Namjoon seemed to notice this from the rear mirror and decided to step in. "Actually, I know a few places that would be really cool for an art gallery. Can we check them out?" He asked. He had been looking for a warehouse within the town last week, but all the spaces he was shown seemed pretty small for the purpose. Now, however, he realises they would make nice art galleries if properly furnished. "Sure, Namjoon, thank you." Tae responded.

The first place they looked at seemed too small for Tae. He had immediately come out of his shell and started explaining the vision he had for the art gallery. In the end, he concluded that it would be too small. Namjoon then took them to a building thirty minutes away from their home, unlike the other one, which was closer. At first, Tae was sceptical about the distance, seeing as he didn't have a car. He almost always walked to his tattoo parlour as it was 10 minutes from their apartment. Taking this space would mean extra transport expenses. "Wow, Joonie, this is really nice. The interior with the high ceilings is exactly what Tae has been looking for. Baby, what do you think?" Jungkook exclaimed.

Tae bit his lip, not sure if he wanted to voice his opinion in front of Namjoon. He remembered that he had promised Jungkook that he would be honest with him. "It's exactly what I have been looking for, Kookie. But I am sceptical about the distance from our place." Tae finally answered. As soon as he said it, he looked at Namjoon. He knew Jungkook understood, but Namjoon wouldn't. "I see, I could drop you off in the morning then. It's on my way to work. Or, we can try and find an apartment that's close to the gallery?" Jungkook suggested. It was clear that he really wanted to make sure that Tae's dream became a reality.

"It's hard to find an apartment on this side of town with our budget, Kookie. Namjoon, are there any other warehouses that are closer to our place. I guess I won't mind starting off with a smaller space for now." Jungkook clenched his jaw. He always tried to be understanding towards Tae. But days like this, when he wouldn't accept his help, would always piss him off. "Tae, why should you settle for a place you don't want when I offered to drive you here?" Jungkook asked. He hated bringing this up, but he wanted to resolve it here and now.

All this time, Namjoon was quietly observing the couple. He caught on that Tae was working on a budget and that he seemed to be avoiding extra costs. He, however, did not want to interfere in their issues. He hadn't earned that right yet. "Kook, it's not that I don't want your help. Baby, we've been through this before. You already work late into the night. I don't want to add to your already packed schedule." Tae explained. He hated when they argued because he wouldn't let Kook help him. "Fine." Jungkook said as he started walking out. "Let's look at other places." He walked out and went straight to wait at Namjoon's car.

I'm not sure if anyone is enjoying this story. I'm beginning to lack motivation.

I'll see you guys tomorrow

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