CHAPTER 23: 7-1

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After Tae walked out, the rest were left in the hallway wondering what had just happened. "I don't understand. Why is he so mad? We were just looking out for him. It doesn't mean we didn't want him involved!" Hobi said. They knew Tae was not in a position to help financially. So they decided not to involve him in planning. But him not being made aware earlier was just a mistake, not deliberate.

"Hobi, I think Tae's point was we should have told him and given him the chance to contribute in his own way. I think he would have contributed through paintings. That's why he feels left out." Jin explained. Kook smiled at Jin. He was afraid to speak up. He didn't want to offend either party.

"Okay, let's just go to the hotel. We can talk while we are there and apologize for making him feel that way." Namjoon suggested. Everyone seemed to agree to this plan and headed out. Hobi informed the staff that he was leaving and asked them to close up before joining his boyfriends.

They found Tae leaning on Kook's car scrolling through his phone. As soon as Kook opened the car, Tae got in. He wasn't willing to speak to anyone yet. He felt slightly guilty for throwing a tantrum on a special day for Hobi and Jimin, but at the same time, they had hurt his feelings and ego.

They headed to one of the hotels owned by Jeon Corporation for the night. Namjoon had decided to ride with the husbands. When he realised that the two weren't going to speak, he concluded that Jungkook knew Tae best, and if he wasn't speaking to him, then it was for the best.

At the hotel, Jungkook approached the receptionist who recognised him. "Good evening, Mr. Jeon. How can I be of assistance?" She inquired. "Keys to the penthouse, please. And you can charge it to my card." He replied. The hotel had two penthouses, but one was never offered to customers unless they were directly recommended by Jungkook. He had reserved it for himself. The lady was quick to act and brought the keys to him. "This way, guys. The penthouse has enough rooms for all of us."

Jungkook started leading everyone to the elevator, but Tae remained at the reception. "Do you have any single deluxe rooms available?" The receptionist who knew that Kook and Tae were married was taken aback at first. "Mr. Kim, yes. But if you need more space, I can always give you guys the other penthouse. It's not taken today." Tae smiled. He knew she was just trying to be on his husband's good side.

He read the name on her tag. "Thank you, Ms. Ha in. But I'll just take a single deluxe. Those people will probably discuss business all night, and I don't want to be involved." He tried to play it off. She seemed to relax before giving him the key to a superior deluxe, which he insisted on paying for. When he reached the elevator, the others were there waiting for him.

"Baby, what took you so long?" Jin asked. "Sorry, I was just getting keys to my room." Everyone was shocked. Jungkook couldn't believe what he had just heard. His husband loved that penthouse. Why would he get another room? "Tae, why did you get a separate room?" He asked. It took Tae a while. When they got into the elevator and Jungkook pressed the 11th floor, Tae pressed the 10th floor. "I just wanted a separate room." No one dared to talk after that.

They got to the 10th floor, and Tae got off. "Goodnight. See you tomorrow." He told them as he walked to the right where he was told he would find his room. He opened the door, got in, and locked himself in there. The tears he had been holding back now flowed freely.

"I just need to work h....harder." He sobbed to himself. "Then I will fit right in with them. I'll be worthy of the penthouse. Not because my husband is paying for me, but because I can pay for it myself." He consoled himself. This had been his biggest fear when he first met them. It was becoming a reality.

On the other hand, the rest who had been left in the elevator didn't know what to say to each other. They got to their floor, where Kook helped them settle. He moved to the phone to call the reception. "Hello, Ms. Ha, in which room did you place my husband?" He asked the person on the other line as the others listened in. "Okay, thank you." He hung up and put his shoes back on.

"Kook, can we come too?" It was Joon who asked. "Hyung, please let me go to him first. Tae doesn't talk when he is mad. He will just close himself off and start blaming himself." Jungkook tried to explain.

"Baby, I don't mean to overstep. But now, Tae is our boyfriend too. Please let us also learn to take care of him. Just let us go with you. I promise that if we make him uncomfortable, we will leave." This time, it was Jin who spoke up. Kook seemed to think about it for a minute before nodding.

When they got to Tae's room, everyone's heart broke hearing the sobs coming from inside. Kook couldn't help but tear up. He should have known better when they suggested not pushing Tae into the plan. He knocked. "Taetae, please open the door. " He tried. There was no response, but it seems the sobs had stopped. Kook knew Tae was just holding back his cries.

"Baby, please let me in. You know I don't like it when you're sad. I promise I won't talk about it for now. I just want to be with you until you feel better." Still, there was no response. Namjoon tapped Kook's shoulder and gestured that he wanted to try. Kook nodded and stepped aside.

"Bear, please open the door. Everyone feels so bad for what they did. Please let us apologise and make sure you're okay. Then we'll leave. Please, baby?" Namjoon coerced. None of them got a response. At this point, Kook and Jimin started crying. They were shocked to hear the door click open after a while. Taehyung peeked his head out with red rimmed eyes.

"I appreciate everyone coming. I'll be fine. I promise. I.....Joon, can you be the one to stay with me?" He asked. He knew they wouldn't leave unless they had one person inside taking care of him. But he was mad at his husband, Jimin and Hoseok. They were the ones who should have told him. "Of course, Bear, and I am sure the others don't mind. Right?" Eveyone nodded. But Jungkook started full on sobbing.

"Tae, I'm sorry. Please, please don't leave me." He begged. Tae had never ever let someone else comfort him other than his husband. This was a sign that he was really mad at him. "Kook, I'm not leaving you. We'll talk tomorrow. Okay?" He walked forward and hugged Kook. After a while, his husband seemed to calm down.

"We are really sorry, Tae. I know we are still learning the new dynamics. But I promise none of us will ever make such a decision for you without consulting you first. And baby, I love you the same way I love all of them. Okay?" It was Hoseok who spoke up. He felt guilty for starting all this.  Tae nodded before letting Kook go. He pecked Kook's forehead before completely letting go.

"Thank you for saying that. I'll see you guys tomorrow. He walked inside and allowed Namjoon to wish goodnight to them."

I'm thinking of adding a timeskip to the story and then bringing in full angst. What do you think?


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