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Today was the big day. Tae could barely sleep last night, and Jungkook had to force him to go to bed early. He was feeling giddy all night, but he managed to get some sleep. Today, he woke up earlier than usual and was up and ready. He was currently making breakfast for himself and Kook when he heard his husband enter the kitchen. "Baby, what time did you get up? I told you that you need to rest well for today." Kook said while backhugging Tae. "I know, Kookie, and I really tried. I woke up at 4 a.m., and I couldn't go back to sleep." Kook kissed Tae's pout before letting him go. "It's okay. I was that nervous on the day I had to take over the company, too. I know today will be great, though. You have worked so hard for it after all."

Tae gave Kook one of those smiles that always melted his heart. "Thank you, Kook. When are the others getting here? I don't want to be late." Tae fretted as he served their breakfast. Joon, Jin, Yoongi, Hobi, and Jimin were supposed to join them so they could travel to the gallery together. It was Joon's idea, and Tae didn't have the heart to say no to him. "Baby, it's way too early. They'll be here in time." As if on cue, their doorbell rang, and Tae nearly fell running to get it. Kook chuckled to himself, watching his adorable husband. When Tae opened the door, he was met by his Mom. "Hello tiger, ready for your big day?" Tae threw himself into his mother's embrace.

"Mom, I missed you." Suddenly, he was sobbing like a little baby in his mother's hands. He didn't realize how much he needed a hug from his mom until now. The events of the previous month came crushing down on him. He held onto his mother tighter and sobbed harder. "My tiger, what's wrong? What happened, my baby? Why are you so sad?" He wanted to answer his mom, but he couldn't. How was he supposed to explain to his mom that the happy ever after he had dreamed about was not going according to plan? "Kookie, what's wrong with my baby? Was he nervous?" She turned to Kook after realising she wouldn't get an answer from her son. "Oh my, you are crying too, come here, son." She held both of them, not understanding what was going on. "We just missed you, Mom." Tae stated while making eye contact with Kook.

After their reunion, the three sat down and had breakfast. Not long after, the rest arrived and after brief introductions, they got into different cars and drove to the gallery. Tae was over the moon. The fact that his mom had come to Korea for his special day was the icing on the cake. They arrived at the gallery, and Tae was in a management mood. He had a great support team, and everything was going to plan. His husband and suitors were all waiting with the rest of the group outside for the doors to be open to the public. Tae had, however, taken his mom inside. He wanted her to be the first one to see the finished product. He also didn't want her fighting with the little crowd outside to get in.

"Wow, my baby. You used to talk a lot about one day, opening your own gallery to display your art. Look at you now. You did so well, my son. Mom is so proud of you." Tae threw himself at her and started sobbing again. This woman believed so much in his dream that she decided to work abroad to afford his fee for art school. He knew that she worked some of the worst jobs while there before she met his stepfather. The man had two girls who have now become Tae's little sisters. "You know Tae, you hate crying in front of me, but you have done it twice today. As we wait to open the doors, why don't you tell me how you have been? What's weighing you down so much?"

Tae held on tighter. His mom had been the best when he came out as gay. She had accepted him and had even done some research to make sure she never offended him. He wasn't sure how she would take the idea of him being in love with more than one person or wanting to join a relationship of seven people. But he knew he could always talk to her. "'s just that, some things have been happening...and I haven't known how to deal with them." Tae started as he pulled away to guide his mom to his office. They sat down and she reached out to hold his hand, encouraging him to continue. "Last month, during our anniversary, Kook and I met someone...and Kook fell in love with him....I...." This was going to be hard to explain. He took a deep breath and looked up at his mom.

"Well, I didn't see any difference in how he looks at you, baby. He looks at you the same way. But, I have also seen how he looked at the young men who joined us this morning. So which of them is it?" Tae had forgotten how observant his mom was. "He fell in love with Jin mom. But.....Jin is also dating the others that you met." Tae looked down. He had thrown a hint to his mom. He wanted to hear her opinion. "So Jin is in a polyamourous relationship, and Kook wants to join them?" She asked. He loved that she had looked so much into forms of sexuality. "Yes, Mom." He answered, not daring to look up at her. The next part was difficult.

"What about you son, what is your position in all this?' She asked. Just like himself, his mother knew how to hide how she was feeling. Tae couldn't gauge what she thought of all these. "Well, I have been trying to get to know them....because I love Kook and I want to stay with him. I uuh...Mom, I ended up falling in love with Joonie as well. But I just, I am not sure what I want with the rest. And for no reason, I find myself resenting Jin so much, Mom. He has tried so hard with me, but I just....." Tae wasn't sure how to explain it. He wanted his Mom to tell him what to do.

"You've been going through so much, son, you could've told me. You know I would take the next flight and come to you." All Tae could do was nod. He also knew his Mom had more to say. "When you first brought Kook to America so he can meet me, I was happy that you had found someone who loved you the way you deserve to be loved. But I could also see that when it came to your feelings for him, you were willing to do anything for him. Clearly, son, I was right. Do you know why you resent Jin so much? It's because in your heart and mind, he ruined what you had built with Kook. I can't say that your feelings for Namjoon are not genuine. You know your heart better than anyone. But my baby, please make sure you are doing this for yourself, not for Kook. If you aren't doing it for yourself, you will end up miserable, and that might turn to resentment towards your husband."

Tae knew she was right. The only reason he had agreed to this was because he was scared of losing Kook. "I think you need to take a step back, baby. Don't get me wrong, if you fall in love with them, I have nothing against it. As long as you're happy. But please, take a few days off, put your thoughts together, before you make your decision. Okay?" Tae stood up and went to his mom to get another hug. "Can I come with you to America when I am done with opening the gallery and everything settles? Just for a few days?" He wanted to take his mother's advice. He wanted to spend time with his family, away from Kook and Joonie. "You know you don't have to ask Tae. I'll call Tim and ask him to book you a flight too."

10:00am had come around quick, and they were finally opening the doors to the public. Tae saw his husband walking to him at the doorstep with a wide smile. "This is finally happening for you, love. I'm proud of you. And you did it all by yourself." Kook took him in his embrace and pressed a kiss to his forehead. Tae looked up from Kook's shoulder with the biggest smile. "Thank you for supporting me, Kookie. I love you." The rest came forward and congratulated him too. He had a surprise inside for one of them too, but he couldn't leave the door. He was supposed to welcome his first guests before going in. "Go on inside, Mom is somewhere inside, Kook. I'll catch up with you guys soon. "

Tae had spent around thirty minutes by the door welcoming people. He joined the crowd in the gallery, looking for his husband and the rest. When he approached them, he could see someone had been crying. "I can't believe you really hung my painting next to your special piece for the day." Yoongi said as he shed more tears and threw himself at Tae. "It's such a great piece Yoonie, it would be a shame to keep it to myself." Tae replied as he rubbed Yoongi's back. He wished he had been there to see his reaction. The day Yoongi had gifted him the painting, he had decided he was going to hung it in the gallery too. He had bought a frame for it along with his. At the bottom, there was a plaque stating, "NOT FOR SALE".

Tae was happy at the moment. But he dreaded telling his husband that he was leaving for America for a while.

Hope you liked it💜

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