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It had been three months since Tae started avoiding the date nights. I didn't catch on until recently that he was withdrawing from us. I tried my best to visit him randomly and spend time with him, just to understand what was going through his mind. We were all sitting at Jinnie's restaurant because we had a dinner planned. Tae had not cancelled upfront, but a few minutes ago, he sent a message claiming to be held up at work.

I decided to share my concerns with my boyfriends.

"Guys, have you noticed Tae has been avoiding us?" I asked. "I mean, how come every time we have a date, something always comes up, or he shows up late?"

"I noticed that too, but I thought that I was just being dramatic." Jimin commented. He had a sad pout, and I couldn't help but lean in to kiss it away.

"I.....I noticed too. I asked him when he was free before planning this date just to see if he would show up, but here we are." Kookie said. I felt bad for him. I could tell that this has also affected their marriage. I couldn't help but wonder if them joining us was a good idea. But at the same time, I felt so complete after they became our boyfriends.

"Should we test your theories then?" This time, it was Yoongi who spoke up. "How exactly?" I asked.

"Jinnie, think you can arrange takeaway for us?" Yoongi asked. Seemingly understanding Yoongi's plan, Jinnie smirked and left our private cabin.


I was still at the gallery passing time. I had decided that this was a good opportunity for me to rearrange my office space. I felt guilty for cancelling on date night again, but at the same time, every time Kookie came home with a big smile and a story to tell, I knew I was doing the right thing.

He always seemed so happy, and even when I made efforts to join them late, I could see that they were happy. It's a good thing none of them paid too much attention to me to realize that I was I intentionally skipping date nights.

I played my favourite playlist and started cleaning up. I wasn't planning on joining them today. I was going to head home and maybe call my mom after cleaning up.

I had just finished cleaning up when I heard a knock on my office door. I had locked the front door, and only persons with the combination could access it from the outside. That means one of my staff was back. "Come in." I called.

Nothing could have prepared me for the shock I experienced. Standing at my office door were my six boyfriends whom I had just lied to that a client had come in last minute. The look on Kookie's face crushed me the most. I had been lying to him for three months.

"Hey guys, sorry my client just left. I was about to join you. To what do I owe the surprise?" I tried. They probably just decided to surprise me today. That was nice of them.

"Can you not lie to us, Tae? We arrived thirty minutes ago and explored the gallery, all while you played your Sabrina Carpenter playlist. There is no client who has just left." Jimin warned. Fuck!

"It's been that long since he left? I decided to clean up a little. I didn't realise time was moving fast." I tried again. I needed them to believe me. I was doing this for them after all.

"Tae, I called your assistant. There was no meeting." Jungkook said, looking right at my eyes. I could see that he was holding back tears. I guess my days were up.

"What exactly is the problem, Taehyung? I personally don't think we have done anything for you to not only avoid dates with us but constantly lie about why you couldn't make it." Hoseok said.

"Are you having second thoughts about dating us? Is that why you are doing this to us?" Yoongi asked.

All along, I didn't know what to say. Why were they feigning hurt. I looked at Kookie, the only person I knew was hurt by my actions. "Kookie, can we talk? Alone?" I asked. I wanted to explain my actions to my husband. He was the only one who loved me anyway.

"Wow!" Jin exclaimed. "Just in case you forgot Tae, we are your boyfriends too. Don't we deserve an explanation? What do you mean you want to talk to Kook alone?"

Tears rolled down my face. Why were they making me feel guilty for giving them what they wanted? "Why are you mad at me? Isn't this what you all wanted? I am giving you guys space to date. Why are you making me feel guilty for giving you what you wanted, huh?! Isn't it bad enough that you had me fall for all of you when none of you even wanted me? You wanted him. You have him. So why are you mad at me?!" I couldn't help the out burst of my emotions.

"Bear..." Namjoon tried. "Don't call me that. How long did it take for you guys to even realize that I was avoiding you? 3 months! So why is it my fault if you were happy in these 3 months?! Wasn't I being a good boyfriend by giving you guys the time and space to spend with my husband? Why am I the bad guy?!" I started sobbing, realising that I had just laid out all my emotions and insecurities.

As soon as Tae started sobbing, Jungkook closed the distance between them and hugged his husband. He was now crying with him. How did he not realize what Tae was going through? 3 fucking months his baby was hurting, and he had no idea. He should have tried harder to include him.

It became quite clear to the others that there was a lot going on with their boyfriend, and they weren't aware. They closed in and hugged the husbands.

After calming down, they all sat on the floor of Tae's office. No one was speaking. "Tae, I don't want to push, but why didn't you tell us that this is how you felt. We would have tried harder." Yoongi spoke. Tae remained silent. He was now playing with his fingers and looking down. He didn't want to talk about it.

"Bear, do you really think we love Kookie more than you?" Joon asked. All Tae did was nod. "That's not true, my love. Please believe us." Joon tried. Tae still wouldn't look at them.

"Do you want to go home with Kookie and talk about it first, then?" Jin asked. This time, Tae didn't react.

"Taetae, please tell me what you want. You know I love you, right?" Jungkook spoke up.

"I....I want to break up."


Well, see you in the next chapter. Also, I still have exams, guys. Please be understanding if I don't update the story regularly. My last exam is on Thursday next week.

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