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Tae woke up to a feeling he had missed. He always woke up wrapped in Jungkook's arms, drooling all over his chest. It had been a really long time since he woke up like that. Today, however, was one of those magical days. Jungkook was holding him so tight, as if afraid Tae would run away. Tae looked up, expecting to watch his husband for a while as he slept, but he was greeted by a wide awake Kook who was staring at him.

"Good morning baby, how are you feeling?" Kook asked as he trailed his hands to Tae's lower back to massage him. He leaned in and placed a kiss on Tae's forehead. "Happy." It was one word that described everything he felt. While Kook was worried about his physical pain, he was still stuck on how elated he was to wake up in his husband's arms. "Do you want me to prepare a bath for you? Or do you want to stay in bed a little longer?" Jungkook inquired while still massaging Tae's lower back.

"Won't you be late for work, Kookie?"Tae was pouting, and Kook couldn't help placing a few pecks on the pout. "I called Mingyu and told him I'm not coming in today. I want to spend the day with you, if that's okay, of course?" For some weird reason, Jungkook couldn't look Tae in the eyes while asking to spend the day with him. He felt like he didn't deserve Tae and his time. Tae noticed that his husband had gotten sullen. "Of course you can, baby. But I have to go to the gallery later today. We are still planning for the official opening ceremony."

"That's okay. I want to help where I can, I should have been helping from the beginning. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you like I promised, baby." Jungkook couldn't help the guilt he was feeling. Taehyung adjusted himself so that he was at eye level with Kook. "Should we talk about it before we start our day, Kook? I think I'm ready to talk about it." Tae wanted to make sure that there were no hard feelings between them. Despite what was happening, Jungkook was still his person, his first love.

All Jungkook did was nod and hug Tae even tighter. The nerves had kicked in, and he was shaking. "Okay, I'll start, baby. So, when you told me about you and Jin, I admit that I was a little hurt that you didn't come to me first. But I also know the feeling of being so in love that nothing else matters at the moment. So now that I think about it, I'm not sad or hurt anymore, Kook." Tae paused and looked at Kook. "However, I still think you should start dating Jin and his boyfriends. This time, I am not saying it as an ultimatum. I can assure you that as long as you want me, I will always be your Taetae, and loving you comes very easy for me, love. I just don't want you to miss out on being with someone you love."

Tae was still looking at Jungkook, but his husband couldn't tell whether Tae was being genuine. It was, however, comforting for him to know that Tae was making a promise to stay for as long as he was wanted. Especially because Kook knew there would never be a day where he didn't want and love Tae. "Let's say I agree to date them. What about you? What will you be doing? And also, how is it supposed to work when you are only dating me?" Kook wanted them to clear everything now. He and Tae always communicated well. That was the reason they got along so well despite their different characters.

"I will continue making an effort, Kook. I am just not in that head space yet. I think I am getting there with Namjoon, but I will try and make an effort with the rest. As for your second question on how things will work, I will let you choose if you want to stay with me or them. I just ask that you make time for me, whatever the case. Maybe we can discuss days that are just ours. " Having this conversation was reminding Tae the situation they were in. They were not back to normal like he woke up feeling. But he also genuinely wanted to try. One thing he knew for sure was that he needed space from Jin at the moment. So maybe he would try with everyone else first. He didn't hate Jin, but in a way, he felt betrayed after spending a whole day with Jin, and he never said anything.

"Tae, I am not moving in with them. I just want to know the dynamics before I make a decision. I promise that if I decide to date them, we will have a day for just us, okay baby?" Jungkook realised that he needed to keep reassuring Tae. When Tae nodded, Jungkook lifted his chin and kissed him. The kiss wasn't rushed. It was slow and meant to reassure Tae. "I'll talk to Jin and the rest. I will let them know about your feelings at the moment, and after I hear their point of view on how thinks should work between us, I will make my decision and tell you first. Is that okay, baby?" This time, Kook was determined to keep his promise.

Kook had drawn a bath for Tae to relax his muscles. He had ended up joining Tae in the small bathtub after Tae insisted. He had proceeded to make pancakes and hot chocolate for breakfast before the two had left for Tae's gallery. Today was Tae's first day, and Kook was driving him like he had promised to.

The two lovebirds had arrived at the gallery and were waiting for the representative of the company, planning the opening ceremony. "Baby, any plans for your office? I have noticed that it's too plain?" Kook asked while walking up to his husband, who was painting the special piece for the opening ceremony. "Well, Joonie is supposed to do the interior design for me. He said he'll work on it this weekend so that it's a surprise for me on Monday." Tae had not looked up from his painting.

Jungkook, on the other hand, realised something that Tae hadn't. Tae was in love with Joon. He wanted to laugh after remembering Tae's wirds this morning. 'I think I am getting there with Joon'. No, he wasn't geeting there. He was already in love with Namjoon. He just needed to realize it now. The Tae he knows would never let someone else design his personal space. He smiled to himself before answering Tae. "That's good then, at least you don't have to sit in a plain looking office.

Just then, someone walked through the doors of the Gallery, which required a private key. It was Namjoon. "Hi bear." Kook watched as Tae immediately tore his eyes from the painting to look at Joon. He got up and walked over to get into Namjoon's waiting arms. "Joon, I didn't know you were coming." He had that beautiful boxy smile that Kook loved seeing on his face. "I wanted to surprise you. Hi Kookie, it's been a while since I saw you." Namjoon now moved in to hold Kook in his arms, tacking Kook's head into his neck.

"I missed you, bunny." Namjoon was now looking right into Kook's eyes. "I missed you too, Joonie. I heard you're designing Tae's office. Can I help you with it?" Kook was only asking because he was a little jealous. He wanted to leave a memory in Tae's gallery. "Of course you can, I can spend more time with you now." The whole time, Tae was looking at them with a smile on his face. He loved seeing these two people happy. He loved these two people.


So, I received some sad news today. I lost my grandpa to cancer. It's sad, but at the same time, he was in so much pain. I just want to let him rest, but I'm sad too.

See you💜

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