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Today, Tae had a date with Yoongi. He had received a surprise call yesterday from him asking him out. Tae still had to wrap up on his art piece for the grand opening. He invited Yoongi to spend the day with him at the gallery. And Yoongi agreed quickly. Kookie had dropped him off this morning and wished him good luck with his painting and date. Although he was trying to focus on his artwork, he was fidgety, and he was scared he would mess the whole thing up because of how nervous he was. He decided to take a break and check on the progress of the decorating for the grand opening. He had hired a company to do the decorations for him.

"Hi Ms. Yoona, how is it coming along?" Tae asked as he walked into the main area of the gallery. "Hi Tae, we are done with the basics, as you can see. We just need to set up a photo booth, and I need some ribbons that we can cut. Also, I have some choices of frames for your art piece. Are you free to check them out and choose one?" Yoona inquired as she started tapping away at her ipad looking for the frames. "Ms. Yoona, I appreciate all your help, but I think I can only choose a frame once I finish my art piece." Tae said sheepishly, knowing Yoona wouldn't be pleased by the fact that he hadn't finished the art piece. "Oh my God, Tae, we only have tomorrow. Are you not done yet? You said you would be done by today?" Tae could already feel the stress radiating off Yoona. "Sorry, Ms. Yoona, I spent half of my day yesterday with Joon and the other half, I just couldn't concentrate. I'm really trying to finish it today."

"Tae?" The voice was enough to make shivers run down his spine. Yoongi was here. Tae turned around to face the man who intimidated him the most. "Hi Yoongi." Why the fuck was he blushing?! He looked up at Yoongi not knowing what to say until he noticed the box he was carrying. "Let me help you with that. What is this anyway? It looks heavy!" Tae asked as he reached out to take the box off of Yoongi's hands. "It's your present for the grand opening. Go on, open it. I'm sorry I didn't have time to wrap it. I rushed here as soon as my meeting ended." Yoongi explained. Tae could never figure out Yoongi. His actions were always opposite of his ever straight face. He placed the box on a nearby table being used by the decorators and opened it. "Oh my God! Yoongi! This is the most expensive set of brushes and paint I have ever seen. I have been eyeing it, but wait, how did you know?" Tae couldn't believe what he was seeing.

He had promised himself that if he managed to keep this place running for three months straight without going bankrupt, he would buy himself this set. Yoongi walked forward and touched his cheek so softly as if he would break him if he added any more pressure. "Only the best for you, Tae. I went to the store and asked for recommendations. They said that although it's the most expensive, it's also the best brand in the market." Yoongi explained as he continued caressing his cheek. "Yoongi, I don't think I should accept this. Isn't it too much?!" Tae inquired. "Am I not allowed to spoil you too? You let Joonie spoil you all the time." For a second, Tae saw disappointment flash through Yoongi's eyes. He didn't mean to upset him.

"You are Yoongi. Thank you for the present. I really love it." He gave Yoongi his boxy smile as he went back to assessing the contents in the box. "I'm sorry to interrupt you two, but Tae, please wrap up on your painting. We can't set up the hallway to the main hall without it." Oh God, Tae had forgotten about his conversion with Yoona. "Yoongi, I know I told you that we can hang out today, but I really need to wrap up on that piece. It's going to be the center piece during the grand opening." Yoongi noticed that twinkle that Namjoon always talked about in Tae's eyes when talking about art. He needed to see more of that. "Is it okay if I come with you. I promise not to disturb you. If you give me a canvas to work on you won't even know I'm there."

Okay, when Yoongi asked for a canvas, Tae wasn't expecting much from it. He had immersed himself in completing his piece. When he turned around, he was in awe. "Wow! That looks really good, Yoonie." He was so mesmerised that he didn't realise he had used a nickname. "Thank you, Tae. I'm not a pro like you, but I know a thing or two about painting." Well, Yoongi failed to mention that he had taken an art class as an elective in the University. It had been a while since he last painted, but seeing the look on Tae's face made the three long hours worth it. "A thing or two? Your brush strokes are all on point. And don't even get me started on the colour scheme. This is so good." Tae wouldn't stop praising him, and Yoongi added up giving that gummy smile. Shit, Tae was not ready for that smile. It was the cutest smile he had ever seen. He would never admit that to Kook though.

"Thank you Taetae. I didn't realise how much I had missed this until now. Is it okay if I come around sometimes and we can paint together?" Why was he blushing?! Tae noticed that Yoongi was blushing, and he found him even cuter. "Of course, Yoonie. You are welcome here anytime." He had now cupped Yoongi's face. "I uuuh....I want to give you this painting. It's not good enough to hang in your gallery, but maybe you can take it home?" Wow, so inside all that serious look, Yoongi was just a softie? Joonie was really not lying. "Thank you, Yoongi. I know exactly where to put it. I'll show you once I'm done."


Eventually, the two had ordered takeout and shared a meal before Yoongi had to leave. Tae had placed both paintings in a safe area for them to dry. He had called Ms. Yoona and confirmed a frame for the painting. He then proceeded to call his husband. They had a date night today.

"When he asked for a canvas, I really did not expect such a nice painting, Kookie. Can you see how good it is?" Tae was showing a picture of the painting to Kook. They were sharing about their day while waiting for dessert. Kook could tell that the painting was really good. He had always painted with Tae on their free days, but even he has never gotten such praise. He loved that Tae was really giving the others a chance.

"This really is good. Where do you plan on hanging it then? In our hallways along with our paintings? I love that our home is decorated by our paintings. We can add this one there." Kook asked. His question, in a way, was a metaphor. He wondered if Tae would ever open up his heart to the five men that he had personally fallen in love with. "It's a super duper surprise, Kookie."


Hi Guys, i hope everyone is well. Work has been so busy for me I barely have time to write.

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