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The only way Taehyung could describe the divorce was messy! After their breakup, Tae had moved out of the apartment and only taken his clothes. They had contributed to buying everything together, and he didn't have the heart to take it with him. After two weeks, when he didn't receive divorce papers from Jungkook, he had his lawyer friend file the divorce papers. He didn't want to hold Jungkook back.

He had sent the signed papers over to Jungkook for signing only to be served with papers summoning him to court because his husband had "disputed the divorce." Jungkook made sure to give him a hard time. Tae had sited irreconcilable differences as the reason for divorce, but Jungkook wasn't agreeable. He didn't have an alternative either.

The worst part was when the media found out the business tycoon Jeon Jungkook was getting divorced. No one cared to find out the truth. In the eyes of the public, Tae was the Gold Digger who was trying to get alimony as settlement.' In the end, Tae gave up following up the divorce, asked Jungkook to mail him final papers whatever the decision. When the papers came and Jungkook was giving him half of his estate, Tae had been so mad that he called Jungkook and cursed him out. He also decided not to sign the papers.

Now, four years later, Taehyung was a tycoon of his own kind in the fine arts. He had expanded his gallery to other continents and was constantly travelling. Tae was never interested in relationships the last four years. He had concluded that he was better of single.

He had just come back to Seoul after three years of being anywhere and everywhere. His gallery here was being relocated to a larger building that he had designed himself for construction.

When he had lived with his mother in the US, she had encouraged him to find a companion. So now, he had his little baby girl Kim Bora to come home to.

"Appa!! I missed you!" She squealed as she ran to her father, who picked her up and kissed her all over her face. "How is my little princess? Did you behave today?" Taehyung asked, sniffling her little head. He loved coming home to her cuddles and stories. "Yes, I did! Right, Nanny?" She asked, turning to the Nanny taehyung had hired to take care of his daughter for the last three years. "Of course you did my sweet angel. I'll cook some pancakes for you tomorrow as a reward." His daughter cheered at the promise of pancakes.

Once the nanny left, Taehyung prepared a bath for his baby girl. "Appa, how was work? Did you make lots of friends?" Bora asked. Tae chuckled. Bora had picked up the habit of asking Tae how work was from his mother. "I made lots of friends, baby. Are you ready to start school, baby?" He asked. He had enrolled her to a kindergarten since she had just turned four. "I'm scared, appa. But I'll stay really strong so I can make friends too." He chuckled at his strong girl. 

Bora was the easiest kid to raise. Since she had her dinner, after the bath, they sat on the sofa watching her favourite movie and singing along to all the songs. Eventually, she fell asleep. Tae walked to his bedroom, where he had placed Bora's bed for now and laid her there. He was having a hard time keeping her in a separate room.

He came back and switched on the business news. This was his only way to keep up with the world he left behind. His husband loved watching these news as boring as they are. The breaking news on the headline had Tae trembling. "Business tycoons Jeon Jungkook and Kim Namjoon announce that they are in a polyamourous relationship with four others. Is this the reason the now famous artist Kim Taehyung sought a divorce?"

From the photo that had been shared, they clearly look happy. There had been rumours of Jungkook sleeping around with various people, he guessed this was his way of announcing to the world that they were not random people but his boyfriends.

He didn't understand the media's obsession with dragging him into every one of Jungkook's news. The year after their separation, the profits at Jungkook's company seemed to be decreasing, and they kept blaming Tae for that. Tae switched off the news, tired already from the situation. He needed to sleep in preparation for tomorrow anyway.

He had an important meeting tomorrow with persons who were interested in his art. His secretary had mentioned that the clients are influential in Korea and thus had requested a private meeting. He hated meetings with rich, self-centered people. But business was business.


Meanwhile, at the Mansion:

Jungkook was bouncing his leg while watching the news. He had released the story to stop the rumours that he was promiscuous. But how the hell did they drag Tae into this. He was doing so well by himself. He hoped that Tae didn't watch the business news.

"With this article, I am having second thoughts about our plan for tomorrow. The media will be on our tail for the next few weeks for sure." Yoongi voiced out. He was happy his company wasn't dragged into the news but he didn't like that they brought up Tae. They had received Intel that Tae was back in Seoul, and they were trying hard not to meddle in his life."

"I don't see why we should cancel our date because of the media. They can follow us all they want. Now we don't have to hide anymore." Jin remarked.

"I agree, it won't stop them from talking even though we hide for months. Let's go out. I was actually uuh, hoping we could change our plans to shopping. I really need to get new clothes." Jimin voiced out. "Baby, didn't we go shopping last weekend?" Joon asked. Everyone laughed at Jimin's bashful face. Regardless, they all agreed to go shopping.

I wonder when they'll meet again!


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