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Jungkook's POV

The grand opening of Tae's gallery was such a big success. I was so proud of my baby seeing him achieve his dream. The big smile on his face was a tell all, and so were the nervous glances he was sending my way. When Tae ushered us in earlier in the day, I could tell he had cried again. After watching him break down in front of his mom, I realized I had put my pretty husband through a lot the past month. I decided we can talk later. For now, I needed him to keep smiling and having fun.

Currently, he was talking to that scum Park Hyungsik, and I didn't want to approach them. I could not afford to make a scene on this special day. Park Hungsik was Tae's classmate back in college and his best friend. He never liked me, and the feeling was mutual. I know how much Tae adores that man, so I always try to be civil. But I was never blind to the way that scum looked at my precious husband. "Who the fuck is that? I don't like how he looks at Tae." I smirked. It seems Yoongi was sailing in the same boat as me. "Park Hyungsik. Tae's best friend since their college days. And trust me, Yoongi, I hate how he looks at MY husband too." I watched as Yoongi put on a fake smile and approached them. Oh, I wasn't going to miss this drama.

"Tae, I have been looking for you everywhere?" Was Min Yoongi actually pouting?! The fuck?! As soon as we had approached them, Yoongi had put on the most innocent look and started whining. He has been acting all cute with Tae since he found out his art made it to the gallery. I smell a total sub in my sweet hyung. "Sorry, Yoonie, this is Park Hyungsik, my best friend. Hyung, this is Min Yoongi, my uh....." I watched as Tae struggled to get the words. Yoongi, however, was out to win this battle. "I'm hoping to make him my boyfriend soon. It's nice to meet you" Oh, wow. "What? You know he is married, right?" Hyungsik asked. Oh, I was amused. The trash was using me to fight back?! "I know, but I want both of them." Okay, I think Hyung has been spending too much time with Jimin.

The giggle that left Tae has to be the most heavenly sound I have ever heard. "Okay, I don't get it. You, why are you letting this man be so vulgar about your husband?" I smirked when he turned to me. Fucking idiot really wants me to fight his battle for him. "I am his husband, and I don't have a problem with it, Park. Do you have a problem?" My smirk just couldn't go away. I was enjoying this too much. Hyung had completely wrapped himself around Tae, and I could swear Hyungsik looked like he would pop a vein. "No, I don't. But you should protect your husband." All I did was chuckle because Hyung turned right to Hyungsik, snorted and stuck his tongue out. What a baby.

"Okay, enough, you two. Hyung, don't mind them. Yoonie, I need to go see off some guests. Are you going to let go or do you want to come with me?" Tae asked as he stroked Yoongi's hair. I knew he was confused, but his actions told me that he had fallen for the guys as much as I had. Watching Huyngsik burn with jealousy was really amusing, though. "I'm coming with. Have you told them you have my painting here too?" God, he keeps bragging about his stupid painting. Okay, maybe I was a little jealous that none of mine made it to the wall. The two love birds walked away to see guests off. "Jeon, you always act jealous when Tae and I are together. Why the fuck doesn't that get to you?" Hyungsik asked. "I find them cute." I smirked and left him to his confusion. I should remember to reward Yoongi with something later.


After the official ceremony, Tae had a celebratory dinner with his mom, Kook's parents, and their suitors. It was awkward trying to introduce them to Kook's parents. Now, Kook and Tae had arrived at their apartment. Kook had Tae's mom stay at his penthouse so she could enjoy her privacy. "Baby, get ready for a bath. I will prepare one for you, okay?" Kook asked after he pecked Tae's lips. He knew Tae had a long day and needed to relax. Tae nodded and headed to the closet to rid himself of his clothes. Now that it was just them, he knew he would have to bring up his earlier discussion with his mom. That would wait, though, because he really did need a bath.

After preparing Tae a bath and making sure his husband was well soaked, Kook headed to the kitchen to prepare a cup of tea for Tae. He knew his husband had something to talk about, but he was going to be patient. Thirty minutes later, Tae waltzed into the kitchen, looking relaxed. He walked over to his husband and initiated a kiss. The kiss was slow and soft. "Feeling better, baby?" Kook asked when Tae pulled away. Tae nodded and wrapped his hands around Kook. "Do you want to have your tea by the sofa, or we go upstairs?"Kook asked while massaging Tae's shoulders. "Upstairs, please."

While Tae was taking his tea, Kook had taken a shower. He had joined his  husband in the bed, and they were now snuggling with only the bedside lamp on. "Kook, I talked to Mom today." Tae wanted to get this over and done with. He hoped Kook would understand why he needed some space. "Mmh, about?" He was rubbing Tae's back, encouraging him to open up but also wanting to give him comfort. "We talked about the situation with Jin and his boyfriends. And she was really accepting about it." Kook couldn't help the smile that came to his face. His mother in law was always understanding and caring. "That's good Tae, is she mad at me?" He couldn't help but think that she would resent him. Tae laughed. "With all those kisses she left on your face when we dropped her off at the penthouse, did she look like she was mad at you?" Kook laughed as well. Tae's mom was really affectionate.

"She wasn't mad at you, Kookie. But, she advised that I take some time to myself to.....uuh....Kook, she thinks I need time from you and the rest to make my decision." Tae looked up from Jungkook's chest to see his reaction. "She thinks I'm pressuring you into this?" His husband looked like a kicked puppy. "No baby. She thinks I am rushing into things because I want to make you happy. She just wants me to make the decision for me, the same thing you wanted, baby." Silence took over for a while. "So what have you decided?"

"Well, Mom is leaving for America after two weeks, I'll be going with her to visit my stepdad and sisters."


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