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Gojo sat on a wooden bench, his long legs spreading across, a tired look on his face. He held his hand over his face and was trying to doze off.

That is when a voice interrupted him. "So you are that guy from the other world." "Huh?!". Gojo peeked from his blindfold to take a look at the man that had just sat beside him. He was a tall man, with brown eyes, olive skin, short black spiky hair, and a beard. He was smoking a cigarette.

 He was smoking a cigarette

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Gojo replied, "Yeah, I am. You must be one of the teachers here." Asuma smiled. "The proud Sensei of Team 10." Gojo nodded. Asuma then said, "You look..." Gojo interrupted him, "Irritated? I am. We failed the mission that we were just given." Asuma nodded. "I heard. But you shouldn't beat yourself up for that. The success rate of the mission were real low. Orochimaru knew of your arrival and adding to the fact, that Naruto lost control it is a surprise you made it as far as you did." Gojo groaned. "Doesn't change the fact that I failed." Asuma grinned. "If you beat yourself up over every failed mission here than, well you are done for."

Gojo understood that. It is just that he had never failed a mission before. Only one. His mind was instantly filled with memory of Riko Amanai, the Star Plasma Vessel he had failed to protect. Only one. Or maybe two. Had he failed to defeat Sukuna? No. He was just transported to a different world. He will defeat him as soon as he manages to get out of here.

Suddenly, a voice called for Asuma. It was of a girl. She was a fair-skinned woman of average height with light blue eyes and long, platinum blonde hair with bangs framing the right side of her face.

As soon as she saw Gojo she blushed, on seeing his ocean blue eyes and that strikingly handsome face before shaking her head and looking at Asuma

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As soon as she saw Gojo she blushed, on seeing his ocean blue eyes and that strikingly handsome face before shaking her head and looking at Asuma. "Sensei. The Homage has asked the Team 10 to assemble. We have a lead on the Akatsuki." Asuma immediately got up. "See you later Gojo." He ran about following Info to the Hokage's office. Gojo waved at him and then got lost in his thoughts.

What was he thinking about? Satoru Hayake. Gojo felt something off about him. Not his mad behaviour or his striking resemblance to Sukuna's personality, but the fact that his Six Eyes did not sense any chakra coming from him. If what had been told to him by Tsunade was correct, that was impossible.

That is when another voice called for him, one he recognised. It was of Sakura. "Huh? Sakura? What's the problem?" Sakura winced, obviously a bit uncomfortable. She said, "Gojo-sensei. I need your help. Umm... can you teach me?" Gojo was quiet. He had expected this question from Sakura ever since they had failed the mission. It is only natural to want to grow stronger after failure. The only problem was...
"I don't think I am the right person to help you. " Sakura shook her head. "But you are... If you teach me that killer jutsus that you used to beat Naruto and Sasuke then...

"I can't."

"Sure you can! You are a good teacher. I believe in you."

"No! I physically can't. It is impossible for me to teach you. You see, I do not have chakra. What I have is something similar to chakra but not exactly it. It forms the base for my attacks, but since you do not have that, it is impossible for you to perform them." Sakura nodded in understanding. "Is that why you leave no chakra residuals after you perform your attacks? I thought you were just good at hiding them."

Gojo questioned her, "But why do you even want to learn to fight. Every person on a team has a role. Let me give you the example of my team. In my team, my role was to bash out and fight the villains. Kinda like Naruto. My best friend Geto's role was surveillance and backup. Shoko, who was also on our team, had a job just like yours. It was to heal us in case any of us got injured. Everybody has a different role." Sakura counter-questioned, "But how can I support others and heal my teammates if I fall first. How can I hope to protect the ones i love when I can't even protect myself?" She had tears in her eyes now.

"Why don't you ask Kakashi? He is better now." Sakura replied, "He is training Naruto, helping him learn a new jutsu." Gojo nodded. "I am still not the right person to teach you." Sakura hung her head and walked away. But before she left, she looked back at Gojo and asked, "What happened to your teammates?" Gojo replied, in a sad voice, "Geto died?" Sakura replied, "I am sorry. What about Shoko?"

"She's there." She was there, was she not. He honestly, did not even remember his last conversation with her, except work-related stuff. Why did he not talk to her? Even he did not know the answer. "I guess we just lost touch." Had they? He saw her everyday.

His mind went deeper into his thoughts. He became a teacher because he felt alone after Get's death. Nobody loved him, nobody understood him. They only knew Satoru Gojo because Satoru Gojo was the strongest, not because Satoru Gojo was Satoru Gojo. But was that true? Was he alone because the only person who cared for him had died or was he alone because he had pushed away everyone that cared about him?

"Wait up Sakura!" Sakura stopped. "I don't know how much I can teach you but, it is worth a try, don't you think?"

Satoru Gojo lay asleep on his bed, snoring slightly. He had trained with Sakura, until midnight. He had trained her in Taijutsu, because that was the only thing he could realistically teach her. She had not improved but, Gojo did see scope for it.

That is when the bell rang. Gojo fell to the floor and then got up, drool falling from his face. He had not even bothered to change his clothes, he was just too sleepy. As soon as he had hit the bed, he had fallen asleep. He got up and opened the door. Outside the door stood the same girl, whom he had seen yesterday while talking to Asuma. "Hello", he said. The girl did not reply. She looked like she had been crying. Gojo reached over to comfort her. "You okay?" The girl did not say anything. She merely handed him a card and left.

Gojo was lost for words. A single drop of tear fell from his right eye. There were many things written on the card but his eyes could not move away from the title words.


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