Been Drinking

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Tomorrow is the official day of Lunar New Year. It's not as exciting as you might think. Tonight, I'll go to the Queen Elephant's house and mingle with the relatives. They will all be high on soju. Then the males will get up in the morning to bow to the ghosts of their dead ancestors. The front door will remain open to let the spirits enter the abode. Ho-hum, right?

I often compare it to Lunar New Year in China. The mainland is a different story. Everybody is happy, and they shoot off loud obnoxious fireworks till the cows come home. Those loons make a joyous ruckus while drinking with their friends. It's a noisy evening filled with laughter and mirth. It's not a festival predicated on stale tradition and severe depression. But who am I to judge?

Anyway, I've been drinking again. I had a pitcher of beer at a chicken house, so I'm not going to write a real blog entry. I'm not drunk, yet I don't believe in writing while one is buzzed.

I'll return soon. When? Who knows? But soon, I have to go back to work, and things shall return to normal.

God bless.

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