7. Keefe's POV

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Keefe practically passed out with relief when Fitz finally came back to Elysian, with Elwin right next to him.

"Where is she?" Elwin asked frantically.

"Over here," Biana waved him over to the spot where Sophie had passed out. Keefe was there, holding her hand, telling her it would be ok.

Elwin looked around in awe. "What is this place?" he asked them.

Before Marella could respond, Keefe cut her off. "Not important right now. Sophie?"

"Right, sorry." Elwin said sheepishly. He knelt next to his patient.

"Fitz, is anyone else coming?" Keefe turned to his best friend.

"Yeah, I told my mom and dad, and they're calling everyone else. I also left them the starstone. I think they're bring Grady, Edaline, Tam, Linh, Stina, Dex, Wylie, the Collective, and-"

"Apparently the whole Council." Keefe pointed behind Fitz.

Keefe was right. All of their friends and family, the Collective, and 12 Councilors in their respective outfits and circlets.

Keefe walked over to them. "If you're here to criticize us, or punish us, then leave now. We have more important matters at hand right now. We don't need you Councilors-"

"We're not here to punish you, Mr. Sencen. Any of you," Councillor Bronte interrupted. "We are here to see Elysian, and check on young Miss Foster."

"Wow," Councillor Oralie breathed. "It's exactly as I remembered. Except for, of course, the stained glass in the sky. It's amazing."

"Oralie," Councillor Emery asked. "Have you been here before?"

"In a Forgotten Secret!" Dex said, walking over to where Sophie lay unconscious. "I mean, yeah, Oralie's right, there wasn't any stained glass, but this is it! I couldn't quite see it before, but I can totally see the resemblance now."

"Excuse me, did you say you saw it in a Forgotten Secret?!" Councillor Alina asked.

"It sounds like we need to have a lengthy discussion." Councillor Emery remarked. "I just hope it doesn't take too long. We have a meeting in 3 days."

Hi again. I just said how times where there's nothing super important happening are rare, yet here's another one! I think, as we progress, they'll actually be rare. Anyways, same deal, do whatever u need to do, or keep reading. thx! (Did you guys like the Emery humor? He probably wouldn't do it in the actual books, but if he did, I think it would be something like this)

Elysian (After Stellarlune)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora